“What do you want me to do?”

“I’ve invited Racine to meet with us tomorrow morning, Nine a.m. in the same conference room at the office. I’d like you to be there.”

“I’m happy to be there, but I won’t leave Kelly alone. Not with what’s going on.”

“Not a problem. I’ll send someone else to stay with her.”

“No offense, Reid, but the only other person I trust is Buck, and he’s out of town.”

“Now wait just a minute—”

“Don’t take it the wrong way,” I say, “but two of your security guards are still missing.”

He says nothing. What can he say anyway? My words are fact.

Finally, “All right. If you can’t be there, I’ll set up a conference call.”

“I will come if Kelly consents to come with me, but I doubt she will.”

I’m not thrilled about the idea of Kelly leaving the building, especially not after what happened last night at the restaurant, but this will be different. She won’t leave my side.

“Good enough. You let me know which way it’s going to be by eight in the morning.”

“Will do. See you, Reid.”

Kelly doesn’t wait long to pounce after I end the call.

“I really don’t like you talking about me.”

“It was just Reid.”

“What’s going on with my mother?”

“She says she has some information that she didn’t give me the other night.”

“I don’t care what information she may have.”

“Truthfully, neither do I, but she’s somehow convinced Reid and Rock to meet with her. They would like the two of us to be there.”

“I won’t see her,” she harrumphs.

“I understand. And I won’t leave you, so that means we’ll set it up as a conference call at my apartment.”

“Then I don’t want to be in your apartment during that time.”

“Kelly, can you for once not be so difficult?”

I berate myself for the words as soon as I say them. Of course she’s difficult. She’s been through hell not only her whole life but the last two days as well, when the Wolfes promised to keep her safe.

When I promised to keep her safe.

“I’m sorry,” I say softly. “That was out of line.”

She shakes her head. “No, you weren’t out of line, Leif.” She smirks. “Well, maybe you were, but so was I.”

I can’t help smiling, and I trail a finger over her soft cheek. Just when I think she’s reverted to her venomous ways, she surprises me yet again.

Kelly really is a beautiful and loving soul. But that beautiful, loving soul has never been nurtured, not by her mother, and not by anyone else.



“Did you ever look for your father? Once you left home?”

“No. Where would I begin? I pulled my birth certificate one time. My mother is listed as Racine Marie Taylor. The father is left blank.”

“I see.”

“So I have no idea.”

I clear my throat. “I asked your mother about him.”

“And? Did she lock you in the closet?”

“No.” I let out a chuckle, though Kelly’s comment is far from funny. “She just said he was never in the picture and that she doesn’t speak of him.”

“Yeah, exactly. I carry her last name, so I have no idea even where to start looking. I’ve considered getting one of those DNA kits that tell you your ethnic origins, and then they hook you up with any relative you might have—but I never did.”

“Do you want to?”

“I don’t know. What if he’s some horrible derelict?”

“What if he’s a millionaire?”

Kelly huffs. “If he were a millionaire, my mother would’ve never let him go that easily.”

“When you’re right, you’re right.” I sigh. “Well, it’s up to you. I’d be happy to get you one of those kits if you want to look into it further. I’m sure the Wolfes could expedite the results for you.”

“Is there anything they can’t get by waving their money around?”

I smile at her then, cup her cheeks. “There’s a lot of things their money can’t do, Kelly. It hasn’t protected you very well, and neither have I. But that’s going to change.”

“I don’t blame any of this on you.”

“I do.”

“You kept me safe that first night, Leif. When he somehow got into the building.”

“But I didn’t keep you safe last night.” I run my hand over my face. “I thank God you’re okay, and I’m so sorry you had to deal with him.”

“If you had it your way, you would’ve gone into the bathroom with me.” She shakes her head. “I know you didn’t want me working last night. And now…I’m beginning to think maybe I should take a leave of absence from the job until this is settled.”

An anvil falls from my shoulders. “Are you serious, baby? I’m sure Linda and Lois will hire you right back when things get better.”

“Even if they don’t,”—she shrugs—“I’ll get another job. Maybe a better one.”

“Thank God.” I yank her to me. “Thank you. Now I can keep you with me, keep you safe.”