“I’ll never do that,” I say. “I swear to God, Kelly.”

“I know.”

“That’s not what you want, is it?”

She shakes her head. “No. It’s never what I wanted. I just… Never mind.”

“I understand. I knew some people from my time overseas who had bad cases of Stockholm syndrome. I’m glad that’s not you.”

“Are you kidding me? I don’t want The Dark One coming after me. I hate him. How did he find me?”

“I don’t know, my love, but he won’t come near you again.”


“I promise.” I kiss her lips and hope to God I’m not lying to her. I rise and help her to her feet.

“About that shower…” She licks her bottom lip.

My cock is straining. She’s naked and so beautiful, I have to give her what she wants.

“All right, Kelly. But please say you’ll respect me afterward.” I smile as I pull my T-shirt over my head.

She sucks in a breath as she gazes at my chest.

I feel like puffing myself out like a peacock, but I resist. I know how attractive she finds me. Almost as attractive as I find her. She’s freaking luscious.

“I need to brush my teeth.” She makes a face. “I should’ve done it last night.”

“The bathroom’s yours. Brush your teeth and then start the shower. I’ll be there in five minutes.”

She nods and pads to the shower, as I watch her delectable ass and long legs.

I hear her turn on the faucet, and then I kick off my slippers and quickly remove my jeans and underwear.

My cock is already hard and ready.

I give her time to take care of things, and then walk to the bathroom once I hear the water running for the shower.

You can never have too many showers—especially when a beautiful woman is in there with you.

Kelly steps into the shower, and I follow her. She closes her eyes, lets the water flow over her hair, pasting it back.

I can’t help myself. I reach forward and tweak both her nipples, and then twist them between my thumb and forefingers. She gasps slightly and opens her eyes, floating into my arms. I hoist her against my chest, move her against the shower wall, and then thrust my cock up into her.

Already I know I won’t last long, and already she’s writhing with me, her legs clamped around me, her fingers threading through my hair.

“Yes, Leif. Please… Please…”

I know what she wants. She’s not interested in an orgasm. She’s interested in a fucking. A good cleansing fucking. I understand.

And I’m very willing to do my part.

I thrust, and I thrust, and I thrust, and already I pump my seed into her.

We’re not using condoms anymore, and her pussy feels like it was made specifically for my cock. So tight, full of ridges, and the warmth and suction drives me mad.

Once my climax subsides, she slides off me, placing her feet back on the wet shower floor.

“Thank you,” she says.

“Baby, you don’t ever have to thank me for that.”

“But I do,” she says. “It’s important for me to thank you, Leif.”

I narrow my gaze. “Why? I mean I understand why you’d want to thank me for something else, but for fucking you in the shower? You didn’t even come, Kelly.”

“Because it’s what I needed and wanted,” she says. “This is kind of amazing to me, Leif. I haven’t said thank you a lot in my life because I haven’t had a lot to be thankful for. I was thankful when a customer used to leave me a big tip at the diner, but by the time I usually found out about the tip, the customer was long gone, so I couldn’t say thank you. Everyone else? There was just no reason to say thank you. I was just living a life, and the life was… Well, it was a hell of a lot better than my childhood with my mother, but I guess I never learned to be grateful. Even on the island, I was never grateful on those nights I didn’t get chosen. I look back at all of that now, and it seems so foreign to me.”

“I’m glad it seems foreign.” I grab my shampoo bottle and squeeze some into my palm. Then I squeeze a little more, because Kelly’s hair is a lot longer than mine. I lather it in my hands and then place my hands on her head, massaging it gently into her scalp. “I understand what you mean, though. There were times when I was overseas, in Afghanistan, when it was hard to find anything to be thankful for. But I learned that as long as my heart was beating and my lungs were breathing, I had a lot to be thankful for. Some of my buddies no longer have that.”

She bites on her lip.

“What is it?” I ask.

She looks down at her feet. “I feel so…ridiculous sometimes when you talk about your time overseas.”