I take her to the couch, help her sit down, and she moves into a supine position, cradling her head on the arm of the couch.

I grab a pillow from one of the chairs. “Here, this will be more comfortable.” I move her downward and ease the pillow under her neck. “Better?” I ask.

She nods but doesn’t say anything.

Lois bustles back in the breakroom. “Cops are on their way, and the kitchen staff didn’t notice anyone coming in the back way. Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine. She’s strong.”

“Goodness, she would have to be.” Lois’s chin trembles. “I’ll wait outside for the police.”

I brush my lips over Kelly’s. “I love you. I love you so much.”

She doesn’t respond, not that I expect her to. How much trauma is one woman expected to live through?

If I could erase all of this, I would. Hell, I’d give my own life if I could erase all of the trauma from Kelly’s past.

But I can’t. No one can.

All I can do is love her and protect her with everything in me.

I’ll do all of that, but I’m beginning to lose faith in my own abilities.

I sat in that restaurant in a central location for Kelly’s entire shift. I had my eyes on the entrance every couple of minutes. I followed Kelly with my gaze, and I kept watch on the entry to the kitchen.

What did I miss?

How did that degenerate get into this restaurant? How did he get to Kelly?

I left her alone. I left her alone to go to the bathroom after her shift was over.

If I had insisted on accompanying her to the bathroom, she would’ve balked, and for good reason. But damn… Have I become lazy?

Who is this freak? And how does he appear from nowhere?



And again, I’m answering questions.

I’ve become numb, robotic. I answer in one or two words, my tone monotonous.

Leif clasps my hand tightly through the whole thing.

“And you didn’t see him enter the premises, sir?” a police officer asks Leif.

Leif tenses. I can feel it in his hand on mine.

“I did not.”

“Yet you were in the restaurant during the whole shift for the sole purpose of keeping watch on Ms. Taylor?”.

“Yes,” he grits out.

“Very good.” The officer turns to Lois. “I’m going to need you to show me all points of egress and ingress from this restaurant.”

“Of course. Right away.”

“Can I please go now?” I ask.

“Yes,” the officer says. “You and Mr. Ramsey may leave. If I have further questions, I have your information and I’ll be in touch.”

Leif rises, glaring at the officer, and takes my hand. He doesn’t say anything as he leads me out of the building, and we grab a cab back to the apartment.

He takes me directly to his place. “Do you need a shower?”

“God, I do,” I tell him, “but I’m just too tired.”

“All right.” He takes my hand, leads me to the bedroom, helps me undress, and then puts me in bed, covering me. He kisses me on the forehead.

“Go to sleep. I’m going to case this apartment and make sure everything’s fine.”

I nod. Or I try to.

Worry consumes me, fear consumes me, rage consumes me… But I need sleep, and I succumb much quicker than I expect.

Leif is above me, kissing me, making me feel loved and cherished.

He breaks the kiss, stares into my eyes, and then he enters me, slowly sliding into me, filling me.

I embrace the fullness, revel in it, love the feel of him completing me.

He looks in my eyes, gazes at me hypnotically, as he makes love to me slowly.

I close my eyes, enjoy the feeling of pure peace and completion that comes with making love with Leif.

Feelings I never thought I’d have.

Yes, I love you, Leif. I love you.

Dreamily, I open my eyes—

I jerk upward in bed.


“Leif!” I shout.

Seconds later, Leif stands in the doorway. “Kelly? What happened, baby?” He rushes to my side, puts his arms around me.

“I was… I was asleep, I think. I was…” My cheeks warm. “You and I. We were making love.”

“That sounds like a good dream,” he says.

“It was… I felt so good. So complete. But then—” I shudder.

“What, baby.”

“I had my eyes closed, and I felt so wonderful, until I opened my eyes and… It wasn’t you anymore, Leif. It wasn’t you.”

He rubs circles into my back. “It’s okay. I’m here now.”

“Your eyes were blue. It was you before I closed my own. Then when I opened them… Your eyes were his, Leif. Dark brown, and—” I sob into him.

“Kelly, it was just a dream. A dream that turned into a nightmare. I’m so sorry. I should’ve stayed with you.”

“No, no,” I gulp. “It’s more important that you make sure the apartment is secure. Is it?”

“Yes, so far. I’ve checked everything except in here, the bedroom.”

“Okay. Please check it thoroughly.”