The lobby is well lit, and I head toward the—

I gasp as I race to the security desk. The security guard on duty is asleep, his head slumped over the table.

There’s no doorman at the building because you can’t enter without a key card.

Usually at least three guards are on duty every night, but I only see one. One with his head slumped over the desk.

I shake him. “Hey, wake up!” I place two fingers on his neck. Thank God. He has a pulse.

He’s out cold though. I pull his head up and check his neck.

Sure enough, a red mark. He was injected with something. Whatever it is made him pass out, and he isn’t waking up anytime soon.

Where the hell are the other two guards?

I call Reid quickly.

“Leif? What is it?”

“I’m calling 911 after I get off the phone with you. Someone got into the building tonight. Pounded on Kelly’s door. I tried to chase him down the hall but he was already gone. I’m in the lobby now, at security. The guy at the desk is out cold. The other two are nowhere to be found.”

“Damn. I’m on my way.”

I call 911, explain the situation, and wait for the police to arrive.

They’ll dust for fingerprints, but already I know they won’t find anything. Whoever did this knows well how to cover his tracks. I know because I know how to cover my tracks.

This is the work of a professional.

No one other than a professional could get into this building.

I case the place, checking all the restrooms, everywhere on the first floor. Once the police get here, they’ll check the other floors. Then it dawns on me. “My God. The other women!”

Two other women live on the fourth floor, and Brindley lives on the fifth. Aspen and Buck are gone, so I don’t need to worry about them.

Man, I wish Buck were here. He and I could cover the building in half the time.

Reid arrives before the police. I’m not surprised. He’s wearing jeans, moccasins, and a hooded sweatshirt.

“Leif! Did you find anything?”

“Main floor’s clean. Now that you’re here, I need to go check on the girls on the fourth and fifth floor. Kelly’s locked in my apartment.”

“Good. I’ll stay here and wait for the police.”

I nod and head up the staircase. I head to the fourth floor first. How am I supposed to do this? If I pound on Marianne’s and Francine’s doors, they’ll freak out.

I decide to call instead.

Once I’ve spoken to both of them and told them to make sure their doors are locked and stay in their apartment until they hear further, I head to my own place.

I knock softly. “Kelly?”

No response. She probably can’t hear me as I told her to stay in my bedroom.

So I make the call. Two rings, and then I hang up. I wait thirty seconds and call again.

“Leif?” she says breathlessly.

“Yeah, baby, it’s me. I’m right outside the door.”

“I’m coming.”

“No. You stay locked in. I’m checking out this floor. Marianne and Francine are safely locked in their apartments. I’m going to go up and check on Brindley.”

“Did you find him? You have to tell me what’s going on, Leif.”

“I don’t know anything yet. But you’re safe. That’s the most important thing. I’ll check in again as soon as I can.”

“Leif, please—”

“I have to go, Kelly. I’m sorry.” I end the call.

And damn, it about kills me. Hanging up on the woman I love.

I head back to the stairwell and walk to the fifth floor, still with stealth. Once I reach the door of Brindley’s apartment, I call her.

Both Francine and Marianne picked up quickly, as did Kelly after I let the phone ring twice.

Come on Brindley. Answer your damned phone.

The phone finally clicks to voicemail.

Hi, this is Brindley. I’m so sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you right away.

“Brindley, it’s Leif Ramsey. I need you to pick up the phone. Please. I’m going to keep calling.”

I try again and again, but it goes to voicemail each time.

I could pound on the door, but in the middle of the night that will scare her.

But I have no other choice.

I throw my fist at the door, pounding as hard as I can. “Brindley!”

Nothing. My God, she must be a sound sleeper.

“Brindley! It’s Leif! Please come to the door!”


And damn… I don’t have a good feeling about it.

At least Kelly is safe.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a key card for Brindley’s apartment. Only for Kelly’s, since I was hired specifically to watch over her.

But Reid is downstairs. He has keys to each one.

The fourth floor is secure, and I checked the rest of the fifth floor, and it’s secure as well.

I lock the doors to the stairwells at the fourth and fifth floors so no one except Reid and me can get in. Then, on my way down, I check the third, second, and first floors. All clear, and I lock them up.