“Fine, then,” Smith says. “Stay here. Get caught. Spend the rest of your life in prison. When Derek Wolfe’s kids uncovered that island, my money made your name go away. My money leaves with me.”

“Pretty much what I thought,” I can’t help saying.

“If Ronald doesn’t get any money, neither do you and your mother.”

“Do I look like I care?” I cross my arms. “All I want is my life. My life with Leif.”

“If you mention that name again,” The Dark One grits out, “I will slice that milky throat open.”

“Will you?” I close the distance between us and tilt my head, offering my neck. “Then do it. Just do it. Because I would rather die in a pool of my own blood than go anywhere with you.”

“I’m leaving, Ronald,” Smith says.

He walks toward a black duffel bag, pulls out ropes and some other equipment that I don’t recognize.

He’s going to scale the building. At his age? “Are you crazy?” I say.

“I won’t be here long anyway,” Smith says. “Ronald will fill you in.”

“Like I’d believe anything he says.” Not that I’d believe Smith either, for that matter.

“Fine, I’ll go,” The Dark One says, “but she’s coming with us.”

“Then you’re responsible for her. You’re on your own, Ronald. I’m out of here.”

With haste, Smith gathers the rope, hooks himself into what looks like a canvas harness, and ties the rope off one of the pickets of cast iron railing on the balcony.

Smith has a shoulder holster. I noticed it earlier. He won’t be able to use it, though. With a grunt, he hoists himself over the railing and begins his descent.

“Come on, Kelly,” The Dark One says. “I’ll harness you up.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Do I need to remind you who has the knife?” He lifts his black hoodie. “And the gun?”

Indeed, a pistol is shoved into the waistband of his pants.

Chills rack my body, and my heart is beating double-time. But I refuse to show my fear.

“I told you. You’re going to have to kill me.”

“Don’t think I won’t.”

“I’m pretty sure you will.”

Except I don’t think he will. His obsession with me runs deep.

“This can be easy,” he says, “or it can be difficult.”

“Make it easy, then. Why not just kill me and be done with it? If you don’t leave soon, they will find you.” I glance toward the balcony. “Your father’s probably halfway down the building by now.”

“Fuck my father.”

“Of course that’s what you would say. Once your father’s dead, you get his money.”

“Split three ways. Between you, me, and your mother.”

“Great. You and Mommy dearest can squabble over my third. I’ll be gone.”

“You belong to me, so your third belongs to me. As far as I’m concerned, we’re going to get your mother’s money too.”

“I’m her only next of kin, so when she dies, I’ll get it anyway. Why the hurry?”

“Oh, Kelly. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

“I have a pretty good idea.”

“You lived such a sheltered life.”

Then I can’t help myself. He’s got a knife, and he’s got a gun, and I still can’t help myself. I burst out laughing.

“A sheltered life? You really don’t know anything about me.”

“Of course I do.”

“From what source? My mother? She’s a fucking liar. You’re the one who lived a sheltered life, Ronald. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? Your father has all kinds of money. You probably lived with a silver spoon in your mouth.”

“Platinum, actually.”

I laugh again. “You know what? You might as well slit my throat. You are such an asshole.”

“Come on. It’s time to go.” He throws on a harness, and then he yanks me toward him, trying to get the harness on me. I stiffen, straight as a board.

“Damn it, Opal.”

I freeze. Opal. That’s what he called me on the island. Of course, that’s what everyone called me on the island. But since he got in contact with me recently, he’s always called me Kelly.

He straps the harness onto me. “We’re going to go down together. You and I.”

“I will not!”

“You will. Stop fighting me, Kelly.”

I do my best, but The Dark One is stronger than I am, bigger than I am, and I’m still recovering from whatever they dosed me with. He eventually gets the harness on me, and he pulls me to him and straps us together. Then we go down over the balcony, on the rope Smith already left there.

I don’t look down. I can’t. I squeeze my eyes shut. I’m not afraid of heights, but I am afraid of plummeting to my death.

We’re strapped together, not unlike skydivers strap themselves together. The Dark One handles the rope, and we inch down slowly.

We’re not as high up as I thought we were, but still, I’m so scared.

And then—

A gunshot.





A small screech as the rope begins to break.

Oh God oh God oh God…