I don’t reply.

“You’ve come so far on your anger,” Macy says. “Don’t forget the progress you’ve made just because someone close to you said something you disagree with.”

“That’s it, isn’t it? It’s because I love Leif. And because he loves me. And I expect him to…”

“You expect him to agree with you on everything. I’m pretty sure he does agree that what you’ve been through is heinous. What those men did to you and the other girls is unforgivable. And what you’re going through now is frightening. All he wants to do is protect you and help you in any way he can. If he falls back on something that helped him, give him a little slack. Perhaps it’s not something that will help you, but he doesn’t know that. He’s doing the best he can, same as we all are.”

I breathe in again, count to ten again.

Then I open my eyes. Macy is looking at me sternly. She has never steered me wrong, and I have no reason to believe she’s steering me wrong now.

I rise. “All right, Macy. Thank you for seeing me without an appointment.”

“Anytime I’m here, and not with another patient, you are welcome to come. You know that.”

“Yeah, I do. And please, let me know if you find out anything about the two security guards who are missing.”

Macy smiles. “You’re making progress, Kelly. You realize that this is the first time I’ve actually heard you express concern over another person?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. Seriously? Have I been that shortsighted, that self-absorbed all this time?

“Brindley…” I say on a sigh.

“I know, sweetheart. I’ll miss her too.”

“I treated her so badly.”

“Yes, but as I understand it, in the end, the two of you patched things up.”

“I suppose we did, but how can mere words make up for the way I acted?”

“Words go a long way, but of course actions speak louder.”

“But I can’t use my actions now. She’s gone.”

“Yes, she’s gone, but take solace in the fact that wherever she is now, she knows for sure how much you regret your actions. And use this as a learning tool.”

In other words, don’t treat people so horribly from now on. That’s what Macy wants to say, but she’s a genius at being diplomatic.

I nod. “Thanks again, Macy. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at my regular session.”

“I’ll be here.”

I nod, leave, closing the door behind me.

Only to drop my jaw.



I grab her like a madman. Shake her. “Don’t you ever do that to me again!”

“Do what? I had to talk to Macy.”

“You should’ve told me. I would’ve come with you. You are not to leave the apartment without me, do you understand?”

She lifts her chin defiantly. “No, Leif. I don’t understand. You’re not the boss of me. No one controls me. I’ve taken care of myself for—”

Anger spurs in me, anger fueled by the relief, by her admission that she left without telling me.

I raise my hand, and she winces.

I look at my hand and then back at her. “Afraid of me, Kelly? Do you really think, after all we’ve been through, that I would dare to strike you?”

“Why did you raise your hand?”

“Because I’m angry. Because I’m ready to put my fist through a wall. But I would never, ever put my fist through you, Kelly. I would never harm a hair on your sweet head.”

She pulls away from my grip, and I let go.

“Don’t do it again,” I say. “I can’t protect you if I don’t know where you are.”

“Give me a little bit of credit, Leif. I’ve got a psychopath after me. Do you really think I would leave the security of this building?”

“I think it’s been proven that this building is not secure when it comes to the psychopath who is after you.”

“I think it’s also been proven that I’m not secure when you’re around.” Her tone reeks of venom as she crosses her arms over her chest. “The psychopath got into the restaurant, got to me last night.”

Oh God…

I know I should count to ten, but I don’t.

“That’s hitting below the belt,” I grit out, “and you fucking know it.”

“How is it—”

“We were in a public place. A fucking restaurant, Kelly. Not a building with security. And yes, he breached this building the other night, but you remained safe, didn’t you? You remained safe because you were locked in my apartment. My apartment that I checked thoroughly for any kind of security breach.”

I breathe in, breathe out.

“Well, I—”

I don’t hear. I grab her arm and yank her to the elevators. “You’re coming up to the apartment with me, and you’re not leaving. Not until we find that psycho and stop him.”

She opens her mouth again, but nothing comes out.

Good. Maybe she’s learned her lesson.

She stops fighting me and walks willingly with me to the elevator, where I push the button for the fourth floor.