
“I figured you’d like that. But I do have to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I have to take you to the police station this morning at ten. They want to question you.”

This time her jaw drops, and her fork clatters to the floor.

“I meant to tell you last night, baby. You were so distraught, and then… Well, you know what happened.”


“Because of the message. The letter. And…Brindley.”

“But I didn’t have anything to do with any of that.”

“I know. The cops just need to get every bit of information that they can. I can go with you. And Reid said he’d have an attorney—”

“An attorney?” she gasps.

“Calm down, baby. It’s just a formality. Reid wants to make sure you’re protected. This is just questioning.”

“What if they arrest me?”

“For what, Kelly? You haven’t done anything wrong.”

She closes her mouth then, inhales deeply.

Then she closes her eyes, inhales through her nose and out through her mouth three times.

When she opens her eyes, she meets my gaze. “I’m tired, Leif. I have to work tonight.”

“I know, baby. I tried telling the cops all that last night, but they want to get a jump on things, and I can’t blame them. Once we find out who’s behind this, you won’t have to worry anymore.”

“You said you’d protect me.”

“I did say that, and I will, but the best protection is for whoever’s threatening you to be safely locked behind bars…or six feet under.”

Kelly and I are both dressed up for the questioning. She wears her work attire of black pants and white blouse, and I look pretty much the same, black dress pants, white button-down, and this time I added a navy-blue tie.

Her hair is pulled back in a classy French braid, while mine is a mess like it always is, but my clothes are neatly pressed, and I think I look okay.

The attorney Reid sent is none other than Lacey Ward Wolfe herself, Rock’s wife. She looks wonderful, of course, also very professional with her blond hair pulled back into a tight bun, and a navy-blue suit that shows her burgeoning baby bump.

“I can’t believe Reid sent you,” I say.

“Rock and Reid want the best for all of their father’s victims”—her cheeks flush—“and I guess they think I’m the best.”

“Do you have any criminal law experience?” Kelly asks.

“Only a little,” Lacey says, “but I’m well-versed in dealing with routine police questioning. Besides, there’s no reason to believe that any criminal proceedings will come out of this, Kelly. You haven’t done anything wrong. This is just routine questioning, and trust me, I won’t let it get out of hand.”

Kelly simply nods, her hands clasped in her lap and her knuckles white. Her usual stance when she’s tense.

I want to grab her hand, offer her comfort, but I don’t know if she’s comfortable with us going public with our relationship, so I keep my hands to myself.

Before long, we’re led back to one of the interrogation rooms.

I’ve been in these rooms many times before, mostly for things pertaining to the Wolfe family.

They’re bare and sterile, with an oblong table, where the officer sits on one side, and the person being questioned, along with any others, sit on the other side.

The uniformed officer opens the door, and a young woman with blond hair and brown eyes rises and walks over to us. “I’m Detective Castella,” she says, holding out her hand. “You must be Ms. Taylor.”

Kelly’s hands remain at her side. “Yes.”

Shake her hand. I try to reach her telepathically. I know she didn’t hear my thought, but she does finally hold out her hand and places it in Detective Castella’s.

Lacey sticks her hand out next. “I’m Lacey Wolfe, attorney for Ms. Taylor, and this is Leif Ramsey, a contractor with Wolfe Enterprises.”

“Nice to meet all of you.” Detective Castella shakes Lacey’s hand and then mine. She gestures to the table. “Please, have a seat.”

I help by pulling out the middle chair for Kelly, and then Lacey and I each sit beside her, flanking her with our protection.

“All right, let’s get down to business.” Detective Castella taps on her laptop, and then opens the manila folder sitting on the table. “Ms. Taylor, what can you tell me about Brindley McGregor?”

Kelly clears his throat. “Not much, I’m afraid.”

“I apologize for bringing up this terrible part of your past, but you knew her on Derek Wolfe’s island?”

“I knew who she was, yes. But none of us really knew each other on that island.”

“Detective,” Lacey interjects, “if you want information about the women on the island, I can refer you to Macy Banks, the therapist for the women. She will back up what Kelly says. The women did not interact with each other much on the island.”

“Yet I understand that you thought Ms. McGregor was sending you threatening texts,” Castella says.

“I was mistaken.” Kelly drops her gaze to the tabletop.