In the centre sat Alaric, one arm in a sling, writing at a vast desk. He put his pen down and looked up.

Lightning blasted her senses as his piercing eyes met hers down the length of the chamber. Her body quivered with the impact of that look.

Tamsin swayed and shut her eyes, aghast at her weakness. She had to get away from him once and for all. Going to Rome was the right thing.

A hand grabbed her elbow. ‘My apologies for the intrusion, Highness.’ The hand tugged and Tamsin opened her eyes.

The secretary’s words had made everyone present turn to look. Silence reigned for a moment and despite crawling embarrassment she stood straight, facing the curiosity of the gathered VIPs.

What had she stumbled into?

‘It’s all right.’ Alaric’s voice drew her gaze to where he sat, so handsome in dress uniform. ‘Dr Connors is my welcome guest.’ Did she imagine his voice deepened seductively?

No! There was nothing between them. There never had been. She had to remember that.

‘Of course, Your Highness.’ The man released her, bowed and melted away.

Silently Alaric gestured her to a chair and she went to it gratefully. Yet she didn’t sit. By now she knew she’d interrupted something important. The judges stepped forward with deep bows and signed the document Alaric passed to them. Then several others, all with a slow formality that proclaimed this a significant occasion.

Finally Alaric stood. Tamsin’s heart clenched as he limped from his chair. He was pale, his face pared down. She wanted to smooth her palm across his face, trace the high slant of his cheekbone and reassure herself he was all right. Her hands trembled with the force of what she felt.

The day of the accident she’d stayed as close as she could, scared to let him out of her sight till finally the doctors pronounced him out of danger. Since then she hadn’t seen him, knowing it was better that way. Yet she’d scoured the news reports for updates on his recovery.

He must have come here straight from the hospital.

Anyone else seeing his straight backed stance would think him fully recovered. But to Tamsin’s eyes there was a stiffness around his neck and shoulders and a tension in his jaw that betrayed pain.

What was so important he’d left the hospital for it? Couldn’t anyone else see he needed rest?

Impotent anger surged. It was no use telling herself he didn’t need her sympathy. She couldn’t squash her feelings.

Alaric turned to the man beside him. A tall, handsome man with familiar features. Alaric said something she couldn’t hear and bent his head in a bow. But before he could complete the action the other man spoke sharply and put a hand on Alaric’s shoulder.

Alaric raised his head and for a moment Tamsin saw something flash between the two. Wordless understanding. Then Alaric spoke, making his companion laugh and reach to shake his hand vigorously.

There was a burst of applause and cheers in Ruvingian that Tamsin wished she understood. The two men turned to face their audience, accepting the accolade with an ease that spoke of long practice.

She watched Alaric avidly. This might be the last time she saw him and she wanted to imprint every detail. The way he smiled. The light in his eyes as he nodded at something his companion said. Familiar hunger swamped her. It was like watching a feast through a window and knowing though you were starving you couldn’t reach out and eat.

Instead she tasted the ashes of hopeless dreams on her tongue.

At a word from Alaric, the crowd began to leave. They were too well bred to stare, but she felt their surreptitious glances. Heat gathered in her cheeks but she stood her ground. She wasn’t into hiding any more.

Last to leave was the tall man who’d stood with Alaric. He too was in his early thirties. He wore his hand-tailored suit with an easy elegance that might have made her stare if she hadn’t been so conscious of Alaric behind him.

‘Dr Connors.’ The stranger lifted her hand to his lips in a courtly gesture that would stop most feminine hearts. Over his shoulder she caught Alaric’s sharp stare and fire sparked in her veins.

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Alaric’s kinsman, Raul.’

Tamsin blinked and focused on the man who she now saw bore a striking resemblance to Alaric. Jade green eyes instead of indigo and a leaner build, but the same angled cheekbones, strong jaw and lush dark hair. The same indefinable air of power and authority.

‘Your Highness.’

He smiled, unfazed by the tension emanating from his cousin’s rigid form. Tamsin could feel it from where she was but Prince Raul merely released her hand slowly. ‘I’ll look forward to our next meeting.’

Then he was gone. She was alone with Alaric.