In love with the idea of love, she’d fallen for him like a ripe peach. Or from his perspective, like a dried up prune! Too late she’d discovered his taste really ran to curvy blondes who dressed to reveal rather than conceal.

‘It’s late for a business call.’ She was proud of her nonchalant tone.

‘You’re assuming it’s business?’

‘What do you want, Patrick?’ He thought he was God’s gift to women but he surely couldn’t believe her weak enough to care for him after what he’d done.

His sigh might have moved her once but now she merely felt a burst of impatience.

It was only when he mentioned the date testing on the sample she’d sent to her home institution that Tamsin grew interested. By the time he’d finished speaking her scalp prickled with excitement. She’d known this was special! Now the dating proved it.

Yet doubt lingered. On the face of it she now had proof that Alaric should be Maritz’s next king. But caution warned her to make absolutely sure. Just because the document’s age was right didn’t prove the content.

Besides, Alaric wasn’t as eager as she’d expected. Did he really not want to be king? Look at the strict security he’d instituted around the chronicle. It was locked away the minute she’d finished work each day.

‘Tamsin? Are you still there?’

‘Of course. I’ll look forward to reading the report when you email it. Thanks for calling.’

‘I said it seems you’ve got an interesting cache of documents. I hear on the grapevine the prince himself gave you extra staff for the project. Plus old Schillinger says you’ve sent him copies of some fascinating pages.’

‘That’s right.’ She frowned. There was no way Patrick or anyone else could guess the explosive revelations in the manuscript. Those pages were kept here under lock and key. Dr Schillinger’s interest in the rest was purely linguistic.

‘Perhaps if it’s such a find you’d feel better with another expert there. Someone you know you can work with.’ He paused as if waiting for her to speak. ‘I have a lot on at the moment but for you’d I’d tear myself away and…’

‘No! That’s not necessary.’

Did he think she was still so besotted that she’d invite him here after the way he’d treated her? Had she really been such a pushover?

‘Tamsin.’ His voice deepened to a cajoling note. ‘I hurt you and I’ve regretted it ever since. I made a mistake and I’m not too proud to admit it. If I came over there we could pick up where we left off. I’m worried for you. Sometimes on the rebound people behave impulsively.’

Was he referring to the press reports linking her and Alaric? He had a hide!

How had she fallen for his oily charm? The only person Patrick cared about was Patrick. It made her sick to realise she’d been so needy she’d let him walk all over her without seeing his selfish opportunism.

As for his wet kisses and perfunctory embraces… Tamsin shuddered. How had she ever thought him appealing?

She remembered Alaric’s demanding, exciting kiss. The combustible heat that consumed them and made her feel like she soared close to the sun.

In comparison Patrick’s pallid caresses faded to insignificance. Now so did he: a mean, conniving man who wasn’t worth her time or emotional energy.

‘No, Patrick. I appreciate your offer to tear yourself away.’ Her lips curled at his attempt to muscle in on what he thought was a project to further his career. ‘It’s all under control. The staff are excellent and we’ve gelled into a great team. Of course, if ever we need further support I’ll be sure to let you know.’ When hell froze over.

‘But I—’

‘Sorry, Patrick. I can’t talk. I have to go.’

She put down the phone then stroked unsteady hands along the soft fabric of her dress, trying to conjure again her earlier pleasure.

Her stomach churned from hearing his voice. Not because she missed him, but at the knowledge of how close she’d come to making a complete fool of herself. She’d once considered giving herself to that…toad of a man!

Tamsin was fed up with being second best. Being used.

First Patrick and now Alaric, who only wanted her as a decoy. It didn’t matter that Alaric also made her feel exciting, dangerous, unfamiliar things. That he brought her to tingling life like a sleeper waking from long slumber.

She was tired of being manipulated by men who wanted her for their schemes. Men who saw her as a convenience to be exploited.

Not a real woman of flesh and blood and feelings.

She stared in the mirror, taking in the reflection of a woman who was her and yet not her. Same nose, same eyes, same person, but so different from the old Tamsin everyone took for granted.