Only the touch of Tamsin’s hands, the concern in her voice and her insistence had dragged him out of a state he’d prefer not to think about. It was a condition he usually managed alone, never sharing with others.

That was the way it would stay.

‘Commitments mean I’m staying in Ruvingia for a while.’

She nodded, wariness in every line of her face.

‘And…’ He paused, wondering how best to phrase this. How to appeal to this woman he couldn’t read? ‘While I’m here I need a companion.’

Amber eyes regarded him unblinkingly through the lenses of her glasses.

‘Why? You can’t be lonely.’

Couldn’t he?

No matter how frenetically he’d pursued pleasure through Europe’s glittering capitals, no matter how many lovers warmed his bed, Alaric remained profoundly alone. And when he was alone the memories came. Hence his constant need for action, for diversion.

She didn’t need to know any of that.

‘Not lonely, precisely.’ He favoured her with a smile that had won him countless women.

She appeared unmoved, staring back with a slight frown as if she couldn’t quite place him in a catalogue. Irritation surfaced. Why couldn’t she be like the rest and fall in with his wishes? Why did she have to question everything?

Yet there was something about her seriousness, about the fact that she held herself aloof, that appealed.

‘It would make my life easier if I were seen out and about with the same woman. A woman who didn’t expect that to lead to a more permanent arrangement.’

As he said it, Alaric realised how weary he’d become of socialites and trophy mistresses. It would be a relief to be with someone who didn’t fit the conventional mould of glossy beauty and vacuous conversation.

She tilted her head to one side, her mouth flattening primly. ‘You want a decoy? Because you’re tired of being chased by women out to snare you?’

‘You could say that.’ He shrugged and watched her gaze flicker away. ‘There’s something about a royal title that attracts women eager to marry.’

‘I’d have thought you could cope with that.’ Her words were tart. ‘You’ve got a reputation for enjoying yourself in short term relationships. Surely you don’t need to hide behind any woman.’

He read the stiffness in her body and realised he’d have to offer more. There was no sympathy there. If anything she looked disapproving.

‘These are delicate times, Tamsin.’ He lingered on her name, liking the sound of it. ‘Power blocs are jockeying for position and they include some aristocratic families who’d love to cement their status by linking to royalty.’

‘Marriage to you, you mean?’

He nodded. ‘I’ve had aristocratic ladies paraded before me for months and it’s getting harder to avoid them.’

‘You’re an adult. You just have to say you’re not interested!’ She tried to withdraw her hand but he refused to relinquish it. This wasn’t going as he’d anticipated.

‘It’s not so simple. Even a rumour that one contender is favoured over another could change the perceived balance of power. My cousin Raul is under the same pressure.’

Alaric leaned forward, using his most cajoling tone. ‘All I’m asking is some help to keep them at a distance. Is that unreasonable?’

Her lips thinned and she surveyed him coolly.

Impatience spiked. He was tempted to cut through her questions and demand acquiescence the easy way.

He’d drag her glasses away, cup her head in his hand and kiss her till her mouth grew soft and accommodating and she surrendered to his wishes. Till she blushed a delicate pink all over as she had on the squash court, this time with pleasure and anticipation.

Till she capitulated and said she’d do whatever he wanted.

Anything he wanted.

Heat poured through him as he remembered her parted lips, ripe with cherries. The swipe of her tongue licking up sauce in a move so innocently sexy it had tugged him towards arousal. The feel of her breasts against him as he carried her down the library ladder.

Alaric’s pulse quickened, his hold on her hand tightening.

‘I can see it might be useful to have someone to keep other women away.’ Her tone told him her sympathy was limited. ‘But what’s that got to do with me?’

‘You’re already here living at the castle. You’re not impressed by my position.’ Despite the importance of persuading her, Alaric’s lips twitched as he saw her flush. Few women could have made it clearer his title and money meant nothing. She had no notion how refreshing that was. To be viewed as just a man. ‘You won’t get ideas about companionship turning to something more.’