THE Gothic cathedral glowed as afternoon sunlight poured through the stained-glass windows. The scent of candles mingled with expensive perfumes and the fragrance of fresh flowers that were massed everywhere.

It was like a dream, walking down the aisle, the focus of every look. The place was crowded. Aristocracy from all around Europe, diplomats and community leaders, plus members of the public who’d been lucky enough to win a ballot to attend. But among them Tamsin spotted familiar faces: her colleagues, friends from the youth centre, Alaric’s old comrades, smiling as they nodded encouragingly. Even her parents, looking proud and slightly bewildered.

But she’d barely been able to tear her gaze from the man who watched her every step with an intensity that sent heat and excitement spiralling through her.

Alaric. Tall, proud and handsome in his uniform.

His cousin Raul had stood beside him, stunningly good looking with his killer smile and black as night hair. Yet Tamsin had barely spared him a glance, her whole being focused on the man she was to marry.

Seeing the love in Alaric’s eyes had made it all real as nothing else had. The luxuriously embroidered crimson velvet gown and its long train had felt unfamiliar and daunting as it trailed impressively behind her. The weight of the delicate beaten gold diadem had made her nervous, as had the filigree collar of gold and rubies circling her throat.

When she’d entered the cathedral to the triumphant blare of trumpets and swelling organ music she’d felt like an impostor, a little girl pretending to be a princess.

But from the moment Alaric’s gaze had locked with hers joy had sung in her heart and the world had righted itself.

This was so right she almost cried with happiness.

Now, with the ceremony over, they faced the congregation. Alaric stood behind her and in defiance of all protocol wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

‘Tamsin?’ Pleasure skated through her at the intimate purr of his voice saying her name.

‘Yes?’ She struggled to focus on the smiling throng and not Alaric’s hot breath feathering her neck.

‘No regrets?’

‘Never!’ She twisted round in his arms to see his indigo eyes dark with love. Neither heard the jubilant roar of the crowd as she kissed him full on the mouth and he responded emphatically.

Afterwards everyone present attested Prince Alaric and his bride had broken tradition and married for love.