Tamsin Connors might dress like someone’s ancient maiden aunt but she kissed with all the generous ardour any man could want. The feel of her lush body melting against his, her mouth hot and welcoming, had driven away the last shred of his sanity. Their passion had been volcanic.

Hard now to believe her apparent hurt and self-doubt had appalled and angered him. It had provoked him into doing what he’d wanted for so long now: kiss the woman silent. When he’d dislodged her glasses he’d come to his senses and been horrified at the idea he’d taken advantage of her. Possibly scared her.

Had her earlier pain been real? Or had she played on his sympathies?

It infuriated him that he was no closer to understanding her. She was a bundle of contradictions. Fiery yet reserved. Confident in professional matters yet still vulnerable. Thrilled by a rustic fair but unimpressed by his title. A siren who shattered his control like no other.

He wanted to rip away the façade she presented the world and uncover the real Tamsin Connors.

He wanted to run from what she made him feel.

But mostly he wanted her back in his arms.

He drew a deep breath. One thing he knew for certain. She was the most dangerous woman he knew.

‘I apologise,’ he said stiffly. ‘I shouldn’t have done that.’

‘No, you shouldn’t.’ She glared at him and it was all he could do not to reach for her again. With her eyes snapping gold fire, her hair in tumbled waves around her shoulders and her lips reddened and full she was too alluring. Even the glasses couldn’t hide that now.

How had he ever thought her ordinary?

‘As I said, Tamsin,’ he lingered appreciatively over her name, ‘clothes are immaterial.’ He watched colour flush her cheeks and felt savage pleasure that she wasn’t as unmoved as she pretended. ‘I look for more than fashion in a woman.’

‘I’m not anyone’s woman.’ Her chin angled up.

‘Just as well,’ he murmured, as something primitively possessive surfaced. ‘We wouldn’t want the complication of a jealous boyfriend, would we?’

‘No fear of that.’

She looked away. Her expression didn’t change but suddenly he regretted baiting her to salve his pride. Whatever had happened, whoever she really was, Tamsin had been caught like him in the conflagration erupting between them. At least he hoped so. The alternative was unthinkable.

‘You’re surely not still serious about this?’

‘Never more so.’ He watched her turn. She drew a slow breath as if gathering herself.

‘You said if I spent time with you there’d be a benefit in it for me.’ Her voice was crisp, her demeanour completely businesslike. ‘What did you mean?’

Disappointment reared at her about-face; her obvious self-interest. Alaric told himself it was easier to deal with her now than when she was warm and willing in his arms. A pity he didn’t believe it.

‘I’ve been thinking about the job we’ve contracted you to do. It would be easier if you had more staff.’

The light in her eyes told him he’d finally snared her interest. He squashed a spark of annoyance that he came second in her priorities to a pile of mouldering books.

‘Not easier, but there’s a chance of further damage in the time it takes us to assess what we’ve got.’ She chewed her lower lip. Heat scorched Alaric’s lower body as he focused on its softened contours. In repose Tamsin’s mouth was a perfect Cupid’s bow of invitation.

‘The offer only applies if I become your companion?’ The twist of her lips and her chilly look told him how little she liked the prospect. ‘That sounds like blackmail.’

Alaric shrugged. His gaze drifted to her mouth and he remembered her moan of delight as they’d kissed. She only feigned disinterest.

‘If you agree it will mean some time away from your work. Putting extra resources into the archives will compensate. Two qualified full time staff.’ He watched excitement light her face.

‘And you may want to come with me when I open a new wing of the national museum. There’s a collection behind the scenes that may interest you. Illuminated gospels that I believe are noteworthy.’ Those treasures had never been outside the country. Neither had foreign experts viewed them.

Her eyes widened eagerly. In other women it was the sort of look reserved for a gift of emeralds or rubies.

Tamsin Connors was unique. In far too many ways.

‘This…arrangement would only interrupt my work occasionally?’

Alaric gritted his teeth. Women vied for his attention. He’d never needed to bribe one to be with him! ‘That’s right.’

Still she hesitated. She clasped her hands before her in a gesture he’d come to realise signalled vulnerability.