Today, however, was different. A potential investor of the island was due today for a visit, and Kyr wanted to personally make sure that everything at the docks was in perfect order. Upon his arrival, local fishermen already in their boats greeted him. Kyr greeted them back absently, his attention focused on a familiar figure walking up the plank to board the ferry that shipped locals back and forth between Teleios and mainland Greece.

The figure turned towards him, and that was when he realized his instincts had been right.

It was Ana, and she was carrying a heavy duffel bag with her.

His blood ran cold, his mind instantly coming up with a thousand scenarios, and none of them good. Walking as fast as he could, he told himself he was jumping to conclusions. “Ana?” he called out to her as he made it to the plank.

She stiffened visibly before slowly turning around to gaze at him.

Kyr stilled.

She did not want to see him.

And that could only mean one thing.

He forced himself to move, feeling like he was aging a hundred years with each step. To her credit, she didn’t try to escape even though the expression on her face made it clear she would rather that he turn his back and leave without saying a word.

Stopping when he was a foot away from her, he asked hoarsely, “Why?” Because Kyr truly didn’t know the answer.

Why was she leaving?

They had been together for nine years. He had been her first lover, just as she was his. They had shared their dreams together, had started talking about marriage and having kids even before reaching college.

He loved her, and she loved him.

Didn’t she?

“You weren’t supposed to see me leave,” Ana said shakily. “I left you a letter—-”

“Then tell me what you wrote.” His voice was cold and controlled, but deep inside Kyr knew he was only using his anger to shield what he truly felt, and it was nothing.

He was nothing if Ana left.

“I promise to come back,” Ana stammered. “I just need to follow my own dreams, too. I can’t wait forever, Kyr. I’m tired, so damn tired of living in a small, old house up in the hills, having to trek half an hour just to get to town—-”

“Then live with me!”

“For how long?” she shouted back. It was his first time to hear Ana scream, his first time to see his girlfriend lose her usually serene expression in public. “How sure are you that the resort will still be yours by year end?”

Kyr whitened. He couldn’t believe she had just asked that, couldn’t believe that Ana of all people did not believe in him. Fists clenching, he told himself it was fear that was making her act so selfishly, fear that he could address by reminding her of their life together.

“A few more years, Ana.” It killed him to hear himself practically begging, but because she was the girl he loved, he would do it. “I just need—-”

“A few more years,” she echoed, and the unmistakable sneer in her voice cut him dead. “You’re facing a hundred million of euros in debt, Kyr. A hundred million euros. How can you expect me to believe you’ll be able to turn everything around in just a few years? You’re an idiot if you—-”

Kyr’s face hardened.

Ana paled, and her mouth snapped shut as if she had only realized what she had let slip. She reached for his hand, but this time he stepped back, and her arm fell limply back to her side at the cold expression on his face.

“I love you, Kyr. I’ll always love you.”

The sweetest words, and yet right now, they hurt like hell to hear because Kyr knew they were no longer enough.

Behind them, the ferry honked its horn thrice, which served as its last call for boarding, and Kyr’s heart cracked at the way panic crossed Ana’s face.

She still wanted to leave, he thought dully.

Even though he was standing in front of her now.

Even though she had to know she was destroying him—-

Swallowing, Ana pleaded, “Kyr, please understand—-”

“If you leave,” he heard himself say, “then that’s it for us.”

Ana jerked. “Y-you can’t mean that.” When he remained unspeaking, his face hard, she shook her head at him. “Your dream’s impossible, Kyr. Mine’s not. I can make it big off the island, I just know it. I-if you really love me, you won’t stop me. You’ll let me go and s-support me—-”

“Like you’re supporting me now?” he challenged bitterly.

Her cheeks flushed, and her tone was defensive when she said, “Can’t you see how – how unfair you’re being? You wanted me to wait for you while you follow your dreams. Why can’t I go after mine?”

The ferry honked its horn one last time, the long sound indicating that it would sail off in five minutes.