I frowned. “I’m not sure. Waiting on that.”

“Enough’s enough, Ashton. Let’s put our first move into play.”

“On it.”

“I’ll send my orders. You send yours.”

“We’ll convene at the safe house.”

“I hate this world. Why are we in it?”

There was my best friend. Hearing him taking his old role, I felt like I could step into mine. The old Ashton coming back into place. It felt good. “Because we were forced into it. We’re not the guys that roll over either.”

“True. Okay. Let’s talk later.”

We ended our call, and I sent a text to Avery.

Me: War’s officially on.

Avery: Okay.

It didn’t change much on his end, except he knew to fortify the compound even more than it was. I called Marco and moved back into my room, grabbing the rest of everything we’d need.

“Are you serious? It’s six in the morning.”

“It’s nine, and the war is on again.”

He changed his tune immediately, a lot more alert and somber. “What happened?”

“They attacked the warehouse. I’m putting you on notice.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“The familia is your responsibility. Watch them. Guard them. You need to get more men.”

“I did. The men are ready.”

“Call them in. If you can, talk our aunts into staying at the same house. Those men are to protect our family. You get me?”

He quieted before responding, his voice low, “I get you, cousin. What about Remmi?”

Fuck. Remmi. “She’s Trace’s sister. He’ll take care of her.”

“But what if he doesn’t? He forgot about her last time. He could again.”

“You were supposed to stop fucking her.”

“I did.”

“Then she’s not your problem, at least not now. If you actually care about her, we can discuss later.” Because, catching sight of Molly still on the couch, who was I to tell someone they couldn’t be with someone they’d fallen for? “I have to go.”

“I’ll take care of the family. Kick ass, Ashton. I know you will.”

That was the plan.

I ended the call and texted Glen.

Me: Board up Easter Lanes and take a trip.

Glen: I will. Is Molly okay? I heard what happened.

Me: She will be.

After that, I saw Elijah at the door. He would’ve been notified at the same time I was. We had an alert system coordinated that if the boss got notice, his higher security got an alert to be ready to move. He was ready to move, with three large hockey bags hanging over him.

I frowned at him. “Do you have war paint on?”

He shrugged. “I got excited.”

“Fine, Marcus!” Molly’s voice rose before she shoved up from the couch. “I can’t stand him!” She turned, saw us, saw our bags, saw Elijah’s war paint, and her mouth turned into a small O. “What’d I miss?”

Jesus. I think I loved her.

“Change. We have to go.”

She frowned but didn’t argue and hurried into the room.

Elijah and I began moving as almost one entity. We took all of our items to the SUV, and came back, doing another trip. On the way, I sent my orders out for our first coordinated attack against the Worthing family, but there was one more person I needed to give the heads-up to.

I texted Jake.

Me: We were hit last night.

Worthing: Okay. See you on the other side.

I grimaced because that wasn’t what I had been hoping to hear from him. Then again, I wasn’t sure myself anymore what I thought Worthing would do.

I started to text him but deleted it and pocketed my phone again.

When we went back, Molly was ready. She had her own bag. I wasn’t sure where she found it or what was in there, but knowing her, it had literal magic inside. I wouldn’t have been surprised.

Elijah took it, walking back to the vehicle. Molly began to go past me, but I caught her, dipping my head for a quick kiss.

I needed one taste, just one, before we were about to go into this. I savored the feel of her lips under mine, how I could capture her breath, how her tongue felt against mine, and how she rose up on tiptoes so she could wind her arms around my neck.

I took my time kissing her. I took all the time.



The safe house was an entire building that was hidden in plain sight.

We drove into a parking lot, went down, and somehow we were going through a tunnel and parked in a basement. There were a bunch of men in the room as we got out. Ashton took my hand, walking with me to an elevator, and up we went. We got off on the sixth floor, the elevator opening to an apartment that spanned the entire floor.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Ashton pressed a kiss to my forehead, staying back with Elijah and a few other guards. I wandered around. For safe houses, this one was luxurious, but I wasn’t surprised anymore. Everything Ashton did was thought out. He had the reputation for being more impulsive, and Trace was the analyst, long thinker, but Ashton was underrated. Severely.