I was starting to get it, but I couldn’t talk.

My toes were curling from the pleasure he was giving my body.

He was holding all of my weight. I couldn’t move, didn’t want to. I gasped against the shower wall, the water sliding down my side as he pistoned into me. He was fucking me hard, and it was punishing, but he was cementing one fact.

I wasn’t alone on the feelings factor.

“You are mine.” He grunted, moving back and almost dropping me, but only to turn me around. My legs went around his waist. My arms wound around his neck, my hands into his hair, and then he was back inside of me. Moving deep. “Never run from me again. Do you hear me?”

I heard him. I so heard him. “Never.”

He lifted his head, his eyes searing into mine. “You run and I’ll burn the world down for you.”

A deep shiver went through me, curling my toes up, a good shiver. A delicious shiver.

“No more running.”

He wasn’t asking. He was ordering me.

I nodded, almost unable to talk.

“Promise me, Molly.” He slid out, repositioned me, and slid back in, pushing all the way to the hilt.

I groaned before I squeaked out, “Pinkie.”

That was enough for him.

His mouth caught mine, commanding, and a wave of euphoria ran through me, racing down my spine, to my toes, back up and making my fingers spasm from the sensations.

His tongue caught mine, sweeping, claiming me. I gasped for breath, only to be reclaimed by his lips.

The universe just exploded around us.

Ashton thrust up into me, over and over again. Both of us came together, and even during all of that, as my climax erupted inside of me and left me weak, he still held me and he still kissed me.

He didn’t stop kissing me until later, a long time later.

“Wait.” I lifted my head in bed, moving so I could see him better. The lights were off. We’d moved from the shower to the bed, and hadn’t left, but the next day’s light was peeking under his window shades. I didn’t want to fall asleep. I didn’t want the next day to come. “You have feelings for me too? I want to make sure I got that right.”

Ashton reached over, tweaking my nipple before he growled lightly. “You’re mine.” He rose over me, bracing himself on both sides of my head, his legs moving between my legs, and sliding up, lifting them as his knees parted them. “No more leaving.”

He was back at my entrance.

I’d lost count of how many times I’d had sex with this man over the weekend. It wasn’t natural. We weren’t teenagers anymore, but his mouth caught mine in another soul-engulfing kiss, and he slid inside of me once more.

I sighed, giving in, winding my arms around his neck and pulling his body to rest on mine.

I was glad we’d had that talk.



Both our phones lit up almost at the same time.

I jumped up first, curled around Molly. It took her a little more time since we’d fallen asleep two hours ago. I cursed, two hours of sleep, but grabbed my phone and hers.

Unknown number so I answered. “Who is this?”

“Is that my phone?” Molly was yawning, rubbing at her eyes before she sat up.

A harsh laugh came from the other end. “I didn’t believe it, but now I do. You’re screwing my little girl?”


Molly woke up with a snap after that. She sat up and took the phone from my hand. “Dad?!”

My phone had quieted but started again, so I answered it. “What’s wrong?” It was Trace.

“We’ve been hit, again.”

Fuck. Though, not surprising. I moved to the closet, grabbing clothes and beginning to pull them on. “Where? Who?”

“Two warehouses, separate locations. They bombed the warehouse that we leaked was where we were holding Molly. The other place was where we had his sniper. He got his man back.”

“Our men?”

“They got out. We didn’t lose any men, but I got a report that someone tried to take Molly last night?”

“I called in some sources. They were working on getting the footage and running down the license plates.”

He swore from his end. “Where were you?”

“I was—it doesn’t matter. They didn’t get her.”

“We have to move forward thinking that Nicolai knows we have his cousins. Have you talked to Avery? Has he gotten any information from them?”

“He said not to check in for a few days. It’s a whole program to break them down. Real torture doesn’t get good results. We know this. Psychological torture breaks better.”

“But not faster.”

I was fully dressed and moved through the apartment. Molly was still on her phone, huddled in the corner of the couch in the living room. I said to Trace, lowering my voice, “Shorty just called.”

“Interesting timing. Has he gotten anything?”

I studied Molly, but she seemed to sense me and moved even more into a human ball, the phone tucked close to her face. She was whispering into it.