He pulled me back to his lap and took my drink from me, placing it farther down on the seat so it wouldn’t get knocked over. Then he positioned me, straddling him, but with my back to his front.

God, I loved how he touched me. Possessive. Alpha, but tender, and so very hot. He ran a hand down my back, tunneling into my panties, and I felt his fingers slip inside of me at the same time his mouth opened over my shoulder. His teeth grazed against my skin, and I relaxed back against him, my whole body melting as he began thrusting up into me, his fingers moving deep, and then rotating. Grinding. Pulling out, his thumb moving to my clit, working me like magic.

My body was conditioned to him by now. It wasn’t long until I was combusting over him, my legs sprawled out. He was completely holding me up, but I felt his dick underneath me. He lifted me up, moving aside his clothes and mine, and sank deep into me.

I leaned forward, my hand to his knee, and I rallied my bones to reform so I could move with him.

He went in bare our first time tonight, and we’d had a conversation right after. I was on birth control. He was clean. I was clean, and that’d been it. He went bare again, and now it was the third time tonight.

If this kept happening, I’d well and truly be addicted to him. I knew I already was, just to having sex with him, but man. The heart stuff always got in the way—and when I felt his mouth move down my back, I stopped thinking.

I really, really loved having sex with this man.

It was after closing. Lights were on in the main area, and we were both dressed. It gave the nightclub a whole different feel to it now that you could see the corners and nooks and crannies.

I was coming out of the bathroom when there was a knock on the main door.

Ashton was at the bar and lifted his head up. “Yeah?”

The door opened. Elijah stuck his head inside. “Remmi West is requesting to come up.”

Ashton’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Remmi? Now?”

He nodded, grim. “She’s by herself, and I’m told she’s irate. It’s about Marco, doing what you told him to do.”

Ashton cursed before sending me a look.

I’d picked up on the last name. “Trace’s sister?”

He gave a nod, almost grim like Elijah. “I should talk to her.”

My own eyebrows went up because he did not sound like he wanted to. “You want me to . . . ?” I motioned for the patio.

He shook his head, turning to Elijah. “Put her in Anthony’s office. We’ll come down.”

He nodded, leaving.

Ashton didn’t move, not at first. He was staring at the floor, his hand resting on the bar before he dragged himself out of whatever he’d just been thinking. “Remmi is . . .”

“A handful?”

He frowned. “Jess talked about her?”

I shook my head. “The expressions on both Elijah’s face and yours said enough.”

He grunted before pushing off from the bar, rubbing his hand over his face. “That’s fair. Listen.” He moved in, not quite looking at me but more over me, but standing so close that I could feel his body heat. “I don’t want her to see you. When we get down there, I’ll have Elijah take you to the main floor. Just hang out at the bar, have a drink if you’d like. If you hear screaming, don’t come running. It’s just Remmi’s melodramatics.”

I nodded.

I’d been uneasy with her before, but now I was all sorts of reluctant, except if she was going to be Jess’s future sister-in-law, then I had a whole friend duty to adhere to. As we went down in the elevator, Ashton’s hand to the small of my back, I made up my mind that I would not seek this Remmi West person out, but if we happened to cross paths . . . so be it. Friend duty. Or at least that’s what I was telling myself.

The elevator landed, and he cupped the back of my elbow as we stepped out. His thumb swiped over my skin, sending sensations through me. I glanced back, seeing a heated look from him. One that went straight to my core. Man. My body’s reactions to him were getting worse. I was so highly sensitized and in tune to just a thumb graze over my elbow.

Still. I shared my own heated look with him before he nodded in the direction Elijah had gone and was waiting for me. We separated. He went down a back hallway, one of his guards standing outside the door. A second one remained at this corner, and Elijah walked me into the main area.

A few employees were cleaning up. A couple were behind their own bars, doing inventory checks. Another guy, dark slicked-back hair, a shirt unbuttoned, some comfortable-looking loafers on his feet, was leaning against a bar, tapping his finger when he saw Elijah and me. He perked up, an idle hand reaching for his shirt, and he began buttoning his shirt as he straightened to his fullest height. He looked just under six feet. His eyes narrowed, growing determined on Elijah before focusing on me and staying there.