“I know.”

His eyes grew chilled. “How the fuck do you know that?”

“You weren’t my only source. You were always aware of that.”

“If you know that information, what am I doing here?”

“OC has loopholes, and they’re going to use them on Jess and Molly. I need someone to get them out.”

“Are you kidding me?! Do you know how that’ll look?” He took a few more steps back, shaking his head more and more. “No. No way.”

“Eyes are already on you. You’re a Worthing. I need you to pull them out. Sooner than later. They can’t stay in there.”

“Why? They’ll just question them about why they’re in there, but knowing both Montell and Molly, they’ll get cut loose eventually. I can’t think either of them would do anything to be arrested.”

Okay. He didn’t know Molly.

Trace snorted softly behind me.

Worthing apparently didn’t know Jess either.

I used a different card. “Because they’re sitting ducks in there. Once your cousin becomes aware of a few details, I don’t know how he’s going to react.”

This Worthing went eerily still at my words. His head tilted upward, slowly. “What are you talking about?”

Trace must’ve figured out what I was planning because he moved forward, turning his back to Jake. He said, low and a warning, “Ashton. Think about this.”

I had. Unfortunately. I stepped around Trace, and he cursed, moving off.

“Your cousin’s not filling you in on what’s going on.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I told you three men were sent to follow me last night. Did your cousin tell you about them?”

“No. Why would he? I’m sorry if Molly was there, but what’s the problem? They just followed you, right?”

“I told you Molly was there.”

“Yeah, but . . .” He was starting to frown, glancing to where Trace was watching us, his head tipped all the way back. “What happened?”

“One of them put a gun to Molly’s head—”

Jake swore.

“—your men were killed.”


“All three of them.”

“Jesus Christ, Ashton! I’m a cop. You’re telling a cop that you killed men who work for my cousin?! My own family. And I’m a cop! What the fuck?!” He was hissing and whispering all at the same time. “Jesus—there was no call about a shooting at a gas station, and there would’ve been. There should’ve been. Homicide would’ve kicked it to our unit because—”

“Because the men would come up as working for your cousin?”

“Yeah. I worked years as a cop in this city. That family affiliation has never come down here. They’ve always been up in Maine. They wouldn’t—” He stopped, his head hanging. His hand went to his side. “Shit. Shit! This is all getting so entirely fucked up. They’re either cutting me out, but no. They called me for tonight. Unless . . .”

A thought happened, and he let out another low curse, everything in him going slack. He finished his own statement: “. . . my cousin has someone higher up handling this for him.”

Both options were possible.

He swung his head my way again. “Nicolai knew about the men?”

“We just had a meeting with him.”

“What happened at the meeting?”

“Nothing,” Trace bit out. “We’re still in a ceasefire.”

Jake narrowed his eyes, frowning. “But that doesn’t make sense either.”

I shot Trace a look because he was forcing me to show my cards sooner than I wanted.

Jake was looking between us. “What else is going on? You want Molly and Montell out sooner than later. That’s implying you think they’re in danger. Why would they be in danger if there’s a ceasefire? As much as Montell is hated right now, no cop will move against her if that’s what you’re thinking . . .” His eyes narrowed even more. “That’s not what you’re thinking. You’re calling me. Asking me specifically. Why?”

“Molly’s been through some traumatic experiences lately. I’m worried about her mental health.”

“Bullshit. I know Molly Easter. She can go nuts at times, but that woman is like leather. She’s too tough to break. I’ve been on the other end, having to notify her about her father’s various mishaps. I’ve gotten a good sense of Molly Easter. Stop fucking with me. Tell me the reason, or I’m walking, and I won’t answer your calls anymore.”

I was gritting my teeth. “Because pretty soon your cousin will realize that he’s got two other cousins missing.”

I let that hang, and Detective Worthing picked it up real fast.

His mouth was open. “Are you kidding me?! Oh my god, Walden! You took out two of my cousins?!”

“They’re alive.”

His eyes were bulging. The lines around his mouth were turning white. “Alive? But missing? You kidnapped them. You’re telling me that you kidnapped my cousins, and you want me to help get your women out?”

He let loose a myriad of curses just as he lunged for me.

His hands went to my shirt, but Trace was there, getting in between us.

“Stop!” He shoved Jake back. “One more move, Worthing.”