The desperation to be inside of her was primal, rushing through me.

My hand skimmed down her leg from her hip, catching the back of her thigh, and I lifted it, stepping fully into her.

She gasped again, a soft breathy sound coming from her. “This”—she trailed her finger down my chest to my stomach and lingered there, toying with the top button of my pants—“is one thing I keep getting distracted by, and I’m just going to reiterate again that I don’t care about the other bullshit going on.”

I lifted her leg higher and moved in.

She gasped again, her head falling back against the door, her chin rising, and her tongue wet her bottom lip.


My dick just shot up at that sight, and feeling me, her eyes opened fully, seeing me.

Her hand splayed out over my chest, pushing back but using that momentum to lift both her legs up.

I growled, moving with her. My hands slipped under her ass as she wound her legs behind me, her ankles crossing.


I rubbed against her, slowly.

Looking down, I watched where we were grinding against each other.

She started panting slightly, softly, in my ear.

“This is distracting you?”

“Yes,” she breathed out, her hips and ass moving with me. She was pushing against my chest so she could start moving harder, starting to ride back against me.

Well, it was distracting me, too, but I forced myself to stop.

Marco was here. That wasn’t good. Remmi was here. That really wasn’t good. I was about to lose my head, and that really, really wasn’t good. And if reading the past actions, I could predict that where Remmi went, Trace and Jess were about to show up, even if they didn’t know how to get here. They’d still show up.

I wanted Molly out of here before any more fireworks happened.

I groaned, separating and letting her drop back down.

Hurt showed from her eyes, but I still peeled myself back from her. “This can’t happen.” I said it rougher than I intended, but that was happening more and more with her. Everything was coming out backward.

She flinched, biting back down on her lip.

“We’re leaving.” I nodded for the bathroom. “Use that before we go.”

She was blinking rapidly, some wetness shining before she folded her head down, scurrying into the room. She closed the door, the fan turned on, and I cursed. Things were so fucked up right now.

I pushed the intercom button. “Avery.”

His voice sounded from the other side of the door. “I’m here.”

I opened it, seeing him standing back, but his face was guarded. “Your companion’s items are in the car, as well as your items. I’ve received word that your other guest is about to be dropped off as well. Should they turn back to meet you when that’s done?”

“I want Marco and Remmi out of here.”

He nodded. “Yes. I can arrange for an ‘emergency’ to occur. CO2 alarms can be finicky sometimes.”

I hid a smile. Avery was very good at his job. “Thank you.”

We both heard the flush from the bathroom.

Molly came back, drying her hands. Her head was still folded down, her shoulders hunched down as well, but she glanced up and braked abruptly at seeing both of us regarding her. “Ready?”

I felt Avery’s attention, but I didn’t look away from Molly. I couldn’t, for some reason. “Yes. I’ll be right there.”

She blinked again a few times before nodding, her head folded back down, and she skirted around me. I still felt Avery’s gaze. “Would you like an espresso for the ride back? I think we’d have time for me to make one.”

“Oh, no. Thank you, though.”

They started down the hallway, but I sent Avery a text on his phone.

Me: Make the espresso anyways. Thank you.

I saw him check his phone and glance back, giving me a nod.

After that, I went to have a private word with my cousin.

Marco was ready, leaning against the bar in the main floor’s library. He had a drink in hand and another was poured and sitting on the corner. “Made you a beverage for the trip back.”

I took it and threw it against the wall. It whizzed right past him, but Marco knew me. He didn’t flinch, didn’t even blink. He just lifted his own glass, the ice clanking as he took a long and deliberate sip. “Feel better now that that’s out of your system?”

Fuck him. I advanced, taking his drink out of his hands, and this time, I smashed it down on the desk, right behind him.

He cursed, jumping away, shaking his hands of any liquid. “Jesus Christ! You’re insane, Ashton.”

“You brought Remmi West here. Here! Are you fucking her?”

He was reevaluating me, his eyebrows pulling down. “Yeah. Why is that such a problem?”

I grabbed him now, yanking him away from the desk by his shirt, and I pulled him close, growling in his face, “Because she’s a walking tsunami and her father just died, you idiot!” I threw him against the nearest wall, and as he hit against it, I was there again. Catching him. “She’s here in the Walden compound. Even Trace doesn’t know where this place is and you brought her here? Here?!”