I was willing to let him go because like I’d planted a seed with his partner before, I was doing another one. To him, about his own cousin.

“If I hadn’t shot your man, the bomb would’ve taken him out anyways. Either way, your man was the one to trip the bomb, not Molly. Seems like she’s got the good luck that both of us don’t.”

“I didn’t know about the bomb.”

“I know. I want you to help me find out who put it there, and since I can’t question your cousin . . .” I let it hang as I opened the door. Elijah and Avery were both there, along with two of my other men. They came in, forming a cage around the detective.

Avery started to zip-tie his hands behind him.

“My men will escort you back to the city.”

They led him out, but I motioned for Elijah. “Bag over his head, like I know you did on the way here, but take him the long way back. I want him thoroughly confused when he checks his GPS later.”

“We put his phone on airplane mode when we grabbed him. We should still be good.”

“I know, but I still want him confused. No one knows about this place. I’d like to keep it that way as long as I can.”

“Boss.” He lingered.


“What about the leak you wanted me to do? We spread the word that she’s at one of the warehouses in the city, but you mentioned using her as bait.”

“Has there been any movement yet?”

“Not yet, but if you’re thinking of using her as bait, do you want her there?”

I didn’t answer him. I knew what I should do, what would benefit the business, but there was the issue of what I wanted to do.

I walked away because I didn’t know the answer myself.



If Ashton Walden actually thought I was going to go and take a nap, he was—well, I was being positive here. The exception was my father. I would always allow myself to be negative with him, but back to what I was currently doing.

He was doing Mafia stuff. I was snooping.

Ashton or one of his guys must’ve scooped up my purse after the explosion because I found it next to my bed. I’d been elated, grabbing for my phone, only to find no reception.

So carrying my purse, my phone in hand, I was tiptoeing around the place.

At one point, I was in the east wing. Yes. They literally had a north tower, south tower, west, east, and it looked like there was a whole middle section where the kitchen was set at. The place looked more like a spaceship than a house. Ashton did say it was a compound, so kudos to whoever paid for all of this. It was a bit overkill in my opinion, but then again, I’m not the head of a Mafia empire. And anyways, I was in the east wing when I heard voices, and looking out, I saw Avery leaving the main building and heading into the distance. There was a road that led in the same direction, so I was guessing Ashton was back there, being Ashton.

First thing, or second, since the first was to call Pialto or Sophie and check in. I couldn’t do that, so the second item got bumped up, and that was being the normal nosy person anyone would be in a place like this: get the lay of the land. I was doing that, and also oohing and aahing at some seriously and ridiculously amazing pieces of furniture, art, sculptures, even the mugs in one of the guest kitchenette areas. They were ceramic and adorable. They probably cost a fortune, but now I was in the last of the wings.

Um . . . gah. I didn’t know what to do. If I kept nosing around, I’d get myself in trouble. It was my switch. It was a problem. I needed a distraction. I could call Pialto or Sophie from the phone on the desk.

I tried Pialto first.

“This is who you’re trying to get ahold of. Leave a message and I’ll text you back—beep!”

Crap. I wasn’t sure if I should leave a message or not. That’d be one benefit, knowing what situation I was currently in. I’d be more committed to an escape plan, if that’s what was called for.

I sighed and tried Sophie instead.




Oh, whoa. I had to unpack that a bit.

Oh my god! She knew about the apartment! “You were at my apartment?”

“Yes! Where are you?!”

“I’m okay!” Why was I yelling? “I’m okay. I’m safe, I think.”

“What do you mean, you think? Where are you?”

“How do you know about my apartment? Did the police go to Easter Lanes, looking for me?” I mean, of course they would. That would be common sense.

“Glen is working, again, and not to be negative about your cousin, but he’s not that great at watching over the place. He told Pialto and I we could take the week off, but he wouldn’t tell us why, so we went to your place, and what do you mean the police?”