I carried her back there, went inside, and pressed her against the door, my hand immediately sliding under her dress.

She was helping, panting as she lifted, her legs half winding around my hips. Her hand went to my pants, undoing them and finding my cock. She wrapped her hands around me, but I couldn’t wait. I pulled her panties down, she had my dick in her hand, and then I paused once at her entrance.

She shuddered, lifting up, giving me a better angle, and I slid inside. Deep inside.

We both paused, both groaning at the feel. Goddamn fit so perfect.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling herself up, and I began moving inside of her.

“Ashton,” she moaned into my ear.

I grabbed her hands, raising them up, and pressed them against the door behind her, our fingers lacing. I kept sliding inside of her. She was rolling her thighs with me.

This time felt different. More raw. More real if that was possible. More needed, like I was desperate for her. Just more.

I slowed, thrusting in and holding as far as I could go.

Her whole body was straining against me. Her insides clamping down on me.

I lifted my head to see her.

She turned hers, looking back.

Her eyes were somber, hungry, but there was more. Again. A deeper feeling. I felt it inside of me, moving around, opening sensations I didn’t know were there. A wave of such intensity and tenderness rose, overwhelming me, and I ground up into her. She gasped, her head falling back, our fingers rubbing against each other. Her thighs pulled me in, and I groaned, sliding out and thrusting back in. Her whole body moved from the motion, parting her lips.

“Ashton,” she panted again. Her chest moving up and down.

I moaned, leaning in and nipping at her lips again. I said, poised right above her mouth, “I love you.”

Her entire body lifted in one breath. She whispered, “I love you too.”

Her mouth sealed to mine. My darkness. Hers. We were connected.

The last separation from us fell away. It was her and me. I was still in her, moving, our hands holding on to each other, and our mouths were fused, but nothing would be the same after this. I felt it, an internal knowing, and it was rocking my foundation. But that was Molly, claiming me right back.

I pushed in, holding, as I felt her release explode through her, her whole body trembling once again. I held off, waiting until she’d come down from her wave, and I began thrusting inside of her again, bringing both of us to a release.

Her hands broke from mine to wrap around my neck, and she clamped onto me as her second climax ripped through her.

I was just coming down from my own when—bang!



Oh, god.

Not again, but again.

All that flashed through my head in the space when Ashton let me back down, and bang!


He cursed, pulling up my panties, then fastening his own pants. He had a gun out, and where did he get that gun? But he had it pointed down, and he took my hand, pulling me to the back of the shed.

I looked around, hearing the screams but knowing I had to follow Ashton.

Another scream. God. That was Jess’s mom.

And another—that was Sophie.

I started to turn, to run for her, but Ashton caught my hand. “No. No, babe.”

I could hear Sophie crying. A guttural scream left me, but Ashton yanked me against him, clamping a hand over my mouth and wrapping an arm around my stomach. He was hurrying backward, carrying me with him, and he had the gun in his hand. “Ssssh. Please, Molly. Please.”

I was crying, already knowing I was about to lose someone. I didn’t care if it was me. Just not someone else. Please.

I stopped fighting to get free, and Ashton put me back down at the end of the shed. There was a door here, and he opened it a crack, peering at me first.

I nodded, telling him I’d be quiet, so he took his hand away, turning so he was between me and whoever was outside.

People were running. I could still hear someone crying.

Then, silence. Everything and everyone stopped.

Ashton took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself for something.

He moved back in and put his mouth to my ear. “This place is surrounded by a fortified wall. Whoever is shooting was let in by someone, so remember that,” he said, so quietly. “I need you to not overreact. Okay? Don’t flip the switch.”

I gripped his hand tight, his free hand. “What are you planning?”

He shook his head, putting his lips back to my ear and turning his hand around so he squeezed mine back. “I’m going to run right.” He pulled his hand free, and something hard and metallic was pressed into it. “Take this. You run left, keep going until you hit the wall, and then follow it north. Do you understand me?”