He was everything she could ever want in a man and more. Far more.

He turned, pausing when he saw her expression. Then he reached out, drawing her close. Her breath sighed out as he pressed her head to his shoulder and she felt the strong, steady beat of his heart. She slid her arms around him, squeezing tight.

‘She is a darling.’ His voice rumbled up against her ear. ‘Just like her mother.’

Samira smiled. After two years of marriage, she was complacent, knowing Tariq always spoke the truth to her now. There was nothing but honesty between them and a deep, abiding love that filled her world to the brim.

Callused fingers tilted her chin up. ‘Thank you, habibti.’

Her brow knitted as she met his eyes and felt the inevitable snap and sizzle between them.

‘What for? I was the one who wanted another baby.’

‘And it was a pleasure to let you persuade me.’ Heat gleamed in those mesmerising eyes and Samira’s breath caught.

‘You didn’t take much persuading.’

‘What can I say?’ Tariq smoothed his palms down her back and she arched into him. ‘I enjoy your persuasion so much.’

Her heart skipped a beat at the look he gave her. Sometimes she couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

‘Not every man would agree to adopt.’ But she’d had to ask. The little orphaned girl, born in one of the mountain villages and destined for an orphanage, had stolen her heart.

‘Then I’m happy not to be every man.’ Tariq’s words dragged her back to the present. ‘Not every man is fortunate enough to marry his soul mate.’

He bent and pressed a gentle kiss to her brow, the tender salute melting her insides, making her cling tight.

‘Thank you, my sweet, for your generosity in naming her Jasmin. Not many women would do that.’

Samira shook her head, smiling. Secure in Tariq’s love, she no longer felt jealous of his first wife. ‘She was a special person. Look at the sons she produced.’

It had been a chance symbolically to lay the ghost of Tariq’s guilt to rest. The shadows had gone from his eyes now that he’d stopped looking back to the past, too focused on the present and his growing family.

‘You’re a woman in a million, Samira.’ He cupped her face and brushed his firm lips across hers, stealing her breath.

‘I’m glad you think so.’

‘Oh, I know so.’ Something glittered in his eyes and Samira had no trouble identifying it now.

Love. Love that he didn’t bother to mask.

As ever, her pulse pounded in response, joy making her mouth curve in a smile that came straight from her soul.

An instant later he’d scooped her up in his arms, holding her high against his chest as he strode out the door and back through their suite.

He didn’t stop in the sitting room where his official files and her latest sketches awaited them. Instead he kept going into the bedroom.

‘Tariq! You told me you had work you wanted to finish tonight.’

He stopped at the foot of the wide bed, slanting a knowing look her way. Instantly heat eddied deep inside.

‘It can wait,’ he growled, his gaze tracking over her body. ‘Besides, I’m being a supportive husband, showing an interest in my wife’s career.’ His mouth kicked up at one side in a hungry smile that made her breath hitch. ‘Take off that wrap and show me the new nightgown you’ve designed.’

Samira leaned in and pressed a kiss to the bare skin at his collarbone, tasting the salt tang of his warm flesh, feeling her pulse riot inevitably in response.

‘Of course, Your Highness.’ She sent him a sultry look that made him groan. ‘Your wish is my command.’

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from OLIVERO’S OUTRAGEOUS PROPOSAL by Kate Walker.

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