‘You withdrew from me!’

‘I was a coward. I’d never felt anything like this. It scared me witless. All these months I’ve wanted to hold you close and never let you go, but I but didn’t dare. I was frantic I might lose you.’

As he’d lost Jasmin. Suddenly she registered that Tariq’s big body was shaking.

She spun around. Blazing eyes of darkest tourmaline captured her gaze and his raw emotion blasted her. She felt she looked straight into his soul.

‘I love you, Samira. I know I haven’t made you happy but give me a second chance. I can’t lose you.’ His voice was uneven and Samira stared, stunned by such vulnerability in this man who was always calm and in control.

‘I don’t want to lose you either, Tariq.’ It was hard to swallow over the knot in her throat.

‘But you left.’

‘I couldn’t bear the rejection any longer. You’d grown so cold. You never wanted to be with me.’

In a single, swooping movement Tariq wrapped his arms around her and tugged her tight against him. His body was furnace-hot, burning right through the chill that had clamped her. She had to arch her neck to meet his gaze and what she saw there was the most wondrous sight in the world.

Samira never wanted to move. Her hands splayed across his chest where his heart hammered, its racing beat a match for hers.

‘My little love.’ His smile was crooked. ‘I was trying to give you space because I thought I was making you unhappy. You needed to recover from the birth and—’

‘What I needed was you to hold me and never let me go.’

‘Really?’ Doubt showed in his expression.


‘I’ve still got a lot to learn about...’ His shoulders rose expressively.

‘About love?’ He nodded and Samira breathed deep. ‘You think I don’t? Love was the one thing I’ve tried to avoid as long as I can remember. Especially after Jackson.’

Tariq’s embrace firmed, pulling her against hard muscle and bone. ‘Don’t talk about him.’

‘It doesn’t hurt now.’

‘I don’t care. I don’t want his name on your lips.’ In a flash the autocrat was back. She looked up at Tariq’s strong face and elation rose.

‘Because you’re jealous?’ It didn’t seem possible that a man like Tariq—proud, powerful and so very dear—could be jealous.

‘Of course I am.’ He paused, watching her intently. ‘You haven’t told me how you feel, Samira.’

Wasn’t it already crystal clear?

‘I love you, Tariq.’ It felt so good to say it aloud for the first time.

The look on his face made her gulp and something in her chest rose and swelled. Joy overwhelmed her and her eyes glazed.

‘You don’t look happy about it.’ His voice was gruff.

She blinked. ‘Don’t you know women cry when they’re happy?’

‘You’re happy?’ He traced one finger over her cheek and she sighed at the overwhelming sense of rightness at his touch. ‘You really love me?’

‘I really, truly love you.’

‘And I wuv you.’ A tiny arm wrapped around her legs and Samira looked down to see Risay, his hair tumbling over his forehead, his pyjamas askew, with his arms around the pair of them. ‘I stay wiv Mummy.’

No little boy had ever looked more adorable with his big brown eyes and wide smile.

‘Bringing in the reinforcements to argue your case, Tariq?’ she said shakily as he bent to lift their son high off the ground.

Her husband’s answering grin ignited that inevitable spark deep inside. ‘A good general marshals all his forces to win victory.’

‘Is that how you feel—victorious?’ She kissed Risay on the cheek and slanted a sideways look at her husband.

He shook his head. ‘Not victorious. I don’t think I could ever take this for granted.’

He bent and kissed her full on the mouth, ignoring Risay’s giggles, and Samira clutched him close, her heart welling with tenderness and awe.

‘But I’m the happiest man alive. And I intend to make you the happiest woman.’


‘SHE’S A DARLING, isn’t she?’ Samira looked at the delicate features of their little daughter as Tariq placed her in the cot and drew up the sheet. The sight of him, such a big, brawny hunk of a man, so infinitely gentle with the tiny, trusting child made her heart turn over.