I nodded, satisfied. They’d eaten here for months without incident. As Aric and I sat at the table to wait, I said, “I’ll be able to take over in the kitchen. I did in Jubilee.”

“I can help. You seemed . . . uncomfortable cooking before.”

“Just rusty. Speaking of nourishment, did Lark’s wolves finish up Paul’s body?” The three giant creatures had fanged him apart in the study, spraying blood over Aric’s priceless relics.

I was conflicted about that pack. Like Lark, it’d been under Paul’s control, but I didn’t think I’d ever be comfortable sleeping with Cyclops in the bed again.

Yet another thing the Hanged Man had stolen from me. Cyclops, with his heightened intelligence, had been my favorite of all the many animals here.

“They did,” Aric said. “I believe they also ate the noose.”

“I’m glad. I never wanted to see it again.” The red witch did; my murderous alter ego would’ve worn it as a boa and preened about her kill. But that facet of me—with her red hair and thorn claws—had subsided again. For how long? “Do you think Lark will be all right?” Finn’s death was hitting her for the first time, and she’d asked for space. “Did Paul physically hurt her?”

“He didn’t. Yet after he forced her to cremate Finn’s body, she deteriorated quickly.”

I imagined her gut-wrenching pain, would do whatever I could to help her recover from it. . . .

After Aric and I had eaten—I devoured my share, while he pushed food around his plate—we sat at the table drinking decaf tea he’d made.

“What did Matthew tell you tonight?” he asked.

Over the rim of my cup, I said, “After predicting hell on earth, he said that the gods vent their wrath, and the Minors are uniting. He warned that they’ll all be coming for me.”

Though the Minors weren’t supposed to directly interfere with the Majors, each suit favored a particular card to win. The Cups had pulled for Circe—before I’d killed them all.

Had that only been four nights ago? My murder rate was escalating.

And now the other Minors must be looking for payback.

“You said the Pentacles are running the Sick House.” Aric rubbed his chin, rasping his golden stubble. “Did you hear anything about the Swords and the Wands?”

“Nothing.” Probably more monsters to face.

“Did the Fool say where he was?”

“No. I should have asked.” I’d just been tired and irritated.

Tee kicked a little, and I rubbed my belly, grateful that he’d made it through all my hardships. “Because of Tee, Paul had no hold on me. Do you think Matthew planned all this?” If I hadn’t been pregnant, if we hadn’t found Jack . . .

“I believe he put events into motion to get us here.”

“To what end? He said he sees far. And before he signed off tonight, he asked me if I trust him.” I had in the first game, and that hadn’t worked out so great for me.

As if reading my thoughts, Aric said, “The Fool never regretted anything as much as he did eliminating you. It altered him forever.”

In the second game, he’d vowed never to win again. So far he’d kept that vow. “Considering how evil I was in the past, how did he and I bond so strongly?”

Pinpoints of light radiated from Aric’s amber eyes, like stars, as he said, “Maybe because the Fool could clearly see you now.”

I had to sigh at that. “I feel like I need to trust him, but I don’t know if I can.” I held Aric’s captivating gaze. “Should I?”

“I truly don’t know. Over all these millennia, I don’t believe I’ve ever scratched the surface of what he is capable. Did he communicate with you in Jubilee?”

“No, but the night before Paul took over here, I had a vivid nightmare about Zara and Richter. She was lining up innocent people—even kids—to steal their fortune.” She’d formed a luck conduit with each through contact, her eyes glowing purple as that same color branched out over each victim’s skin. Like Aric’s Touch of Death, it only took a graze. “Afterward, she locked them all in a building for Richter to . . . slowly cook.” No wonder Matthew had predicted hell on earth. Didn’t mean we wouldn’t fight. “What’s your plan for those two?”

“I don’t have a good one. If they somehow find this castle, we would have few defenses.”

So we were back to being sitting ducks? Unless . . . Should I tell Aric about the realizations I’d had when I’d faced Richter in the battle by the lake? How I’d comprehended that if I gave myself up to the red witch forever, I could defeat the Emperor, but he and I would destroy the earth. Or else I’d burn out and die, overloaded from my own power.

I was here with Aric now, committed to making this alliance work. Yet I hesitated, digging into my pocket to run my finger over the amber and gold wedding ring he’d once given me.