“Non. But it’s the best idea I had.” I glanced at Issa’s covered body beside the grave and felt sorry as hell for what Kentarch was going through. If I’d lost Evie in such a way, I’d have lost my mind too.

With a nod, Gabe collected our shovels and stowed them in the Beast. Then he dug for food.

I swiped sweat from my forehead and glanced around the area. A deathly guy like Dominija would enjoy so many blackened gravestones. Corpses lay smattered among the markers, probably loved ones who’d checked out here after the Flash.

Would they go to hell? Was there a hell? Knowing that the Arcana reincarnated and gods existed had totaled my beliefs.

I scratched my head. Maybe more than the players reincarnated. Could a civvy like me find Evie in some distant future?

The phone pinged. I hurried to the truck, hoping she’d sent a message, though she hadn’t yet. Somehow I knew she wouldn’t.

Dominija: Evie asks if you’ve tried to communicate with Sol through a Bagman.

Hated to burst their bubble, but . . . Sol attacked Joules and Kentarch. We barely got them out alive.

Dominija: Emperor and Fortune?

MIA. Don’t know why. BTW, Chariot ain’t sold on the mission. Yet.

Dominija: Only the fate of humankind is at stake, mortal.

I’ve had a day, Reaper.

Dominija: Remind him of his alliance. And secure Temperance’s chronicles from the Tower.

Copy. How’s my girl? I reached into my pocket and touched the red ribbon.

The text wheel spun, then: Slowly adjusting. She misses you.

So they hadn’t slept together yet. Only a matter of time. After all, she and I had made no promises between us. Give her my best.

The wheel spun once more. Finally: Do not get killed out there. He signed off.

I’d just set aside the phone when Joules roused in the backseat.

“Where are we?”

“Cemetery. Waiting for Kentarch to come to.”

Joules glanced over at him. “You must’ve clocked the shite out of him.”

I shook my head. “Think his hunger laid him lower than my right hook.”

“We had his old food stores, but I could only get bites down his gullet when he was more addled than usual. If the pair of you hadn’t arrived when you did . . .”

“We’ll patch him up and help him. That’s what we’re here for.”

Joules scrubbed a hand down his haggard face. “Had to be Sol that sicced his Baggers on us, right? Unless zombies have learned to work with each other. And then we’re all fecked.”

Didn’t know which option I hoped for, me. “Any idea why Sol might go after you like that?” According to Evie, the native Spaniard preferred not to fight at all. At one point, he’d even saved the lives of Evie, Dominija, Gabe, Joules, and Finn.

At least for a time, Magician.

“Could be because Gabe, me, and Finn were gunnin’ for him for months. He was Richter’s eyes and ears, so we wanted Sol gone.”

“But if the Sun attacked, why didn’t Richter join him? Hell, Zara could’ve shelled you to the ground with her copter.”

“Dunno.” He hiked his bony shoulders. “I just work here, Jackie boy.”

“Man, I heard that.”

Joules eyed me hard. “Still canna believe you won Death’s castle then gave it up. You lost your wits since I last saw you?”

“Got a mission. Doan need a castle to complete it.” The plan to flush out Richter was coming online. “But I do need Calanthe’s chronicles, Joules. We’re heading toward Louisiana. Are we goan in the right direction to retrieve them?”

He narrowed his eyes. “You want me to give them to you, so you can hand them over to Death? Should I give over Cally’s weapons too?”

Joining us with a Mayday bar in hand, Gabe said, “Perhaps her things should go to the Empress, with the caveat that Evie safeguard those belongings until the next game. How else will Calanthe be reunited with her weapons and chronicles in the future?”

Joules scowled. “You’re so sure the Empress will win?”

“I will work toward that goal, as will Jack, Dominija, and, I hope, Kentarch. Eventually you will too. I would wager on our alliance even over the Emperor.” With a gentle smile, he added, “Our time grows short, friend.”

“Death’s still not gettin’ them out of me.” Joules made like he was locking his lips and throwing away the key.

Gabriel looked disappointed. “Honestly, Patrick.”

“Stubborn Irishman.” I’d keep wearing him down.

Kentarch began stirring. Go time.

His lids fluttered open. Gaze confused, he looked out the truck window and spotted Issa’s body on the ground beside a new grave. His eyes went wide. “What have you done?” He teleported for Issa, scooping her up in his arms. “You stole her from her final resting place?” He started to waver.

“Wait, Tarch!” Joules scrambled from the truck. “You canna take her back to the penthouse. It’s crawlin’ with Baggers!”

“Hold on, podna!” Panic gripped my throat. “Doan go anywhere. Talk to us.”