Wrath had gone from congenial and slightly confused about the situation to a man who not only knew his business but was firmly in control. I had to fight myself to stay focused on my plate and not smirk at Beatrix. I knew I should be sympathetic, but I couldn’t find it inside me. Not after the way she’d made it seem like Doc didn’t care about Caroline.

Beatrix looked thoroughly cowed. And scared out of her mind. “Jude,” she pleaded. Now, she looked around the diner at all the people listening and cringed. She’d started it. Doc had sat there, taking it but knowing what was about to happen and didn’t stop any of it. “Please.”

Doc stared at her. There was no malice on his face, but no give either. He said nothing, but Wrath opened the folded documents Beatrix hadn’t bothered to take when he’d offered them. “We can do all that, or…” Wrath took a pen from a front pocket in his suit and handed it to her. “You can sign your rights away now and go back to your maiden name. I have all the proper documents for both as well as the paperwork to change the name on all your accounts. Choice is yours.”

“Even if I agree to this, the money --”

“Your loan shark’s writing you off as a bad debt.” Wrath interrupted with a sneer. “You can thank Doc for that. Let’s just say they are more afraid of Doc than they are of losing face. But you may want to leave the city. And you aren’t getting any more money from Doc, either. Every single dollar he gave you he recorded. By my calculations he’s more than paid child support for Caroline until she turns twenty-three. So, he’s done. Not with Caroline, but with you.”

“How am I supposed to live? I can’t even pay the rent if you don’t help me.”

Doc shrugged. “My suggestion would be to get a job. You’ve got a degree. Use it.”

“My degree is in Popular Culture! What am I supposed to do with that? At least keep giving me the alimony you were ordered to pay.”

“Sorry, Trix. You’re signing that away too.” He pointed to the papers Wrath had laid out for her. “You can fight it, of course. But any influence Wrath has with your creditors evaporates if this goes to court.”

“Just when I think I can’t hate you more, you hold my life hostage.” Beatrix snatched the pen from Wrath and signed several pages where he indicated. Wrath was now as professional as any lawyer could be. I could see why he was named Wrath from the brief glimpse I’d seen of his ruthless side.

Once done, Wrath handed her a manila envelope. “In there you’ll find your new ID, passport, bank and credit cards, and checks, along with all the correct paperwork. You’re now Ms. Beatrix Westmore. Everything is legal.”

Beatrix snatched the envelope from Wrath and gave Doc a hate-filled look. “I wish I’d never met you.”

“I’d say the feeling was mutual, but if I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t have Linnie. She’s worth any amount of grief.”

“Well, now that’s settled.” Wrath raised a hand to signal Marge he was ready to order. The older woman was all smiles. She passed Beatrix as the other woman left in a huff but didn’t acknowledge her. Everyone else went back to eating. If there were a few raised eyebrows and whispers, what did it really matter? Sure, it was uncomfortable, but if it meant Beatrix was out of Doc’s life, I couldn’t really say it wasn’t worth it.

“How’s Caroline going to take this?” I had to know. I mean, Beatrix was the girl’s mother.

“She’ll be OK with it. She told me last week she didn’t like Chucky, and Trix accused her of trying to get me and her back together. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Linnie is a smart girl. It hurts for her to think her mother doesn’t want her, but she knows. We’ll keep an eye on Trix, so I know where she is. If Linnie wants to see her mother, she can. Even if she takes my advice and moves, I’d never deprive Linnie of her mother.”

“And even if she doesn’t move, she won’t be bothered. I’ve taken care of her creditors as well as her asshole boyfriend.” Wrath grinned evilly. Yeah. Wasn’t touching that one.

“Don’t know why you look at the menu, young man.” Marge smiled happily as she set a plate filled with the biggest burger I’d ever seen and fries mounded high all around it. “You always order the same thing every single time.”

Wrath looked sheepish before eyeing his burger with hunger. “Thanks, Marge. You’re the best.”

“Where’s your lovely wife? I haven’t seen her in too long.”

Wrath grinned up at Marge. “She’s with the boys today. They’ve got a baseball game in Miami. I’ll be headed that way to meet up with them once my business is concluded. I’ll send them all your love.”