“She’s old enough to go inside without me. I think you know that, too.” He didn’t look away from me when he spoke to his daughter. “Go on inside, Caroline. We’ll be along in a minute.”

“Should I order for everyone?” Caroline didn’t sound upset. Instead, she grinned at me like she was excited for me about something. It gave me a sinking feeling, but surprisingly, a surge of adrenaline. Like I couldn’t decide whether to be afraid or titillated.

“Yeah. Tell Marge me and Lia are having a short chat in private and will be there in a minute.”

“All over it, Dad.” She opened the door, hopped out, and slammed it shut again before hurrying inside.

Doc turned to me and sighed. “I need to know you’re gonna be safe if I send you back. I didn’t peg Grim Road as the type to hurt women, but sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Talk to me, girl. Tell me why you don’t want to move out even though you’re clearly afraid of something.”

“I have trouble with… separation anxiety.” Hurried through it, hoping it didn’t sound as childish as I always thought it was. “The night my mom died, we’d fought. I wanted to go to a friend’s. She didn’t think it was a good idea. I threw a fit. Told her I hated her. She said we’d talk when she got home…”

“Only she never made it.” Doc’s hand was braced against the back of my seat. His thumb moved to rub over my shoulder a couple of times, a soothing gesture.

“No. She crashed not even a mile from the clubhouse. I was asleep when they came for Dad. They weren’t married. While me and my mom lived away from the compound, Dad always made sure we were protected. More than once I saw members of his club hanging out near our house. They’d always acknowledge me but didn’t speak. The only time I had any interaction with them was after Mom died.

“She was supposed to pick me up from Dad’s. She called when she got outside the compound. Most of the time whoever was manning the gate would shoot Dad a text. But she didn’t come for me that night, and Dad had let me go on to bed. When I woke up, he told me what happened. Mom didn’t have any relatives living other than me and Dad, but he wasn’t her husband. To make it official, they tried to make me identify her body, but Dad set his foot down. It was the only time I ever remember Dad raising his voice. He doesn’t have to. He speaks, and everyone scrambles to do what he says. But he gave the officers what for regarding what he would and would not allow me to do. They either took his word as identification, or they wouldn’t get one.”

“As he should have. Keep going.”

“Well, I guess because of all that, I stress when I’m away from Dad. He knows it, and it’s why he insisted I stay with him. I’ve basically been a prisoner, though. I can’t go anywhere without Dad. He has to escort me to and from the property, so I mostly stay inside unless I’m going to class.”

“I see.” He seemed to consider everything I’d said, brushing his finger over the bridge of his nose. “So it’s not ideal for you to stay with Grim Road, but you aren’t ready to be on your own.”

“That’s about right.”

“OK, then.” He grinned. “Let’s eat.”

“Aren’t you going to call my dad?”

“I’ll get in touch with Rocket in a bit. I’ve got people working on it, so we go through proper channels.”

“All right.”

Doc exited the truck, prompting me to do the same. Once inside, we went to the table Caroline had claimed. I sat in the booth expecting Doc would sit with his daughter. When he scooted himself in the seat next to me, I looked up in surprise. Doc winked. I didn’t trust this sudden change of attitude. The man was up to something.

Chapter Three


Once I had us settled and we were waiting on food, my phone chimed. Text from Ripper.

Off phone w/yur girl’s daddy. Expt call.

It wasn’t long before my phone rang. Unknown number.

“This is Doc.”

“I was told you had a package of mine.” The man sounded livid.

“Relax, Rocket. She’s safe. In fact, I owe her a debt. She took care of my daughter when my ex’s man didn’t pick her up when he was supposed to.”

There was a long pause before he acknowledged me further. “I’ll meet you in twenty minutes.”

“Would you like me to have you some coffee ready?”

“No. And Doc? If you’ve harmed one hair on her head, there’s gonna be hell to pay.”

“Noted.” I ended the call.

“Dad’s pissed. Isn’t he?” Marge had gotten her an ice pack for her jaw, and Talia held it to her face.