“You’re right. I’ll drive myself crazy otherwise.”

“Let’s get outta here a while. Maybe see if we can talk Marge into giving us a special.” God, I loved this man! How had I fallen so quickly?

“OK. I’d like that.” Doc leaned in to kiss my cheek. Which was when I realized he’d kissed away a tear that had escaped my eye.

“Come on, baby.” He took my hand and led me out the back to the garage where all the bikes were parked. Snagging a helmet from a rack on the wall, he helped me put it on, then swung his leg over a black Harley and held out his hand to assist me. “Put your feet on the pegs and mind the pipes. They’ll be hot when we get off, so wait for me to help you. OK?”

“I got it.” I wrapped my arms around his middle as he started the bike. The roar was loud in the enclosed space, but Doc eased out of the garage, and we were off.

I’d be lying if I said the freedom I experienced while we sped down the highway didn’t ease my mind. I found it easy to lift my face to the sun and just… feel! It was a joy I’d never expected. I could understand now why Doc wanted to get me out of the clubhouse. It was for this. The man had to have known the ride alone would lift my spirits. He was right. By the time we pulled into Tito’s diner, I was all smiles. And yeah. I laughed and might have whooped more than once on the ride here.

When he shut down the bike, Doc was chuckling. “You enjoy yourself?”

“That was amazing! Why haven’t you taken me on a longer ride before now?” He chuckled, holding my arm as I got off his bike, careful of the pipes as he’d instructed.

“Little witch. It’s been twenty-four whole hours. Ain’t been time. Besides, you got a small ride. Not like this is your very first time.” He chuckled “I promise, though, it’s something I intend to remedy. From now on, we’ll make the time every fuckin’ day if you want.” He stood and reached out to cup my cheek before he leaned in to brush a soft kiss on my lips. “Anything that makes you this happy is something I have to make happen.”

If I had any doubts Doc had strong feelings for me, they were now gone. He might not love me, but he was well on his way. I could see it in his eyes when he looked at me, but also in the things he did for me. Like giving me little things because it made me happy.

“Can I tell you something before we go in, Doc?”

He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed my fingers. “Honey, you can tell me anything anytime you want. You good?”

“Yes. But I want you to know that I love you.” Before he could do more than open his mouth to say something, I hurried on. “You don’t have to say it back. In fact, please don’t. Not yet. I don’t want it to be something you think you have to say.”

“You do know I’m not the type of man to do something I don’t want to do. Right?”

I grinned. “Yeah. You don’t get beyond being a prospect in an MC if you don’t have some Alpha tendencies, I guess. I wanted you to know I’m all in with you. This is the real thing for me. I’m sure I’m caught up in the sex and the way you make me feel, but I also happen to admire you. I know you work with children with cancers and that you help them even if they can’t pay you. Everyone knows. I was also already pretty infatuated with you from the first time I saw you with Caroline. So, I’ll do my best to be whatever you need me to be, and I’ll always take care of Caroline.”

Doc kissed me again, this time with a little more heat before wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. “You’re one special woman, Lia. I’m glad you’re mine.”

We walked into the diner then. Tito waved happily as Marge smiled in greeting.

“It’s wonderful to see the two of you again. Have a seat. Two Marge specials coming up.”

“How’d you know we were gonna ask?” I smiled up at the older woman, who gave me a smirk, tapping her temple with her pencil. “I know my customers, sweetie. You two are celebrating, and we’re all going to be a part of it. The boys’ clubs are like family to us, and we always celebrate with family.”

“We certainly are celebrating.” Doc put his arm around me once he’d urged me into the booth and sat beside me. “Lia’s going to be my ol’ lady and my wife.”