He exhaled long and slow and got ready for all kinds of frustration and resistance, the cash-and-carry of the way he and his father had been interacting for how long now? Years. He hadn’t been quite as recalcitrant as the male believed, but he hadn’t been anywhere near as justified as he himself had believed—and in any event, neither extreme mattered because they just couldn’t relate. Even when they met in the middle. And so the cycle had ground on, separating them even further, relegating them into roles, him the ne’er-do-well, spoiled disappointment of a son, his sire the out-of-touch, demanding father, and never the twain should meet.

As his father opened his mouth, Shuli interrupted him. “Actually, wait.” He drew in a deep breath. “I’m not asking you for permission to do this. I’m telling you, this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to learn how to defend people who can’t defend themselves… against the enemy. And I’m going to be good at it, even if it kills me.”

Long silence now. Or at least it felt that way.

Then his sire put out his palm.

For a moment, Shuli just stared at the thing, having no clue what it meant or why that arm was just hanging out there.

“Oh,” he said with surprise.

Extending his own palm, he clasped what was offered.

“I am proud of you, son.” His sire bent at the waist in a bow and spoke in the Old Language: “You bring honor upon this bloodline, and pride within my breast. May you go forth and know that your family awaits your safe return. Always.”

Shuli’s throat got tight, and he bowed in return. “I shall endeavor to deserve your faith, Sire mine. I shall do my level best.”

“Just be of care, my son,” his father said urgently. “Be safe.”

The embrace happened spontaneously, and as Shuli closed his eyes, he did not see the blood and death anymore. He saw the image of his father’s palm extended across the divide between them, an accord offered… and an accord struck when he put forth his own.

“I’ll do my best, Sire,” he murmured over his father’s shoulder. “My very best.”


A shower, Rahvyn thought as she returned to the training center upon nightfall.

How lovely.

As she walked across a tiled floor, she was rather interested to find three separate berths, the trio kitted out with identical overhead faucets and crank handles—and in front of each was a small ante-area that, given the benches and the curtains that had been shuffled to the side, was obviously for changing one’s clothes.

Glancing to the opposite wall, she noted the three sinks with shelves over them, perhaps for one’s toothbrush. Overhead, the ceiling fixture had a cage around it, as if the builder had been concerned someone would be throwing a ball about and did not wish to risk the bulb getting broken; the walls were likewise in a hearty tile that would withstand much wear.

Everything was a dark gray and white.

“Here, I have some fresh clothes for you.”

At the sound of Lassiter’s voice, she pivoted and departed from the showering alcove. Out in the larger room of the facility, he had propped open the entry with his foot and thrust something through the crack, only his muscled arm showing.

Ah, yes, she thought as she recalled the symbol upon the door. They only allowed females herein.

“Oh, thank you,” she said as she went to take the bundle from him.

He poked his head in and smiled. “I figured you’d want something a little more substantial than scrubs.”

“Whomever do I owe for this,” she murmured as she riffled through the fresh jeans, shirt, and fleece.

“Beth is awesome.”

“Oh, how kind of her. Is there any chance that perhaps I could express my gratitude in person?”

“Absolutely. She headed back up to the big house, but when I’m there, I’ll have her come down again.” As his eyes sought hers, they dipped to her mouth—and with a flush, she knew exactly what he was thinking of. “I’m sorry I’ve got to go. I just feel like I need to check in with the Brotherhood.”

“Oh, but of course.” She put her hand in his. “You must. And take your time. I should enjoy a shower in this—what is it called again?”

“Locker room. And you should feel free to explore the training center. They’ve got a pool down here, classrooms—have a snack, even though I intend to take you to dinner, remember?”

Yes, our date, she thought happily. “I shall explore.”

There was a pause. Then he lowered his head such that he stared at her from under his lids. “I wish I were showering with you.”

As a flush warmed her through and through, she purred. “There is always later in the night.”


The kiss started with a peck, but didn’t end that way. The next thing she knew, she was in his arms, and he was pushing her back with his body, and the clothes were slipping out of her grasp. When she and her lover finally came up for air, both of them were breathing hard.