Only when the micro-drones observed four of the man’s top lieutenants arriving, in a jovial mood, did Heather’s allies—my new allies, it seemed—give me word that the next stage of the plan could go forward. The presence of Belkonov’s most trusted minions represented an essential element, and their summons to their boss’ home provided circumstantial evidence at least that Heather remained alive—and fairly healthy. The reasoning pained me, but it helped to know that Belkonov considered the girl I loved able to furnish submissive sexual pleasure to his chosen guests.

I sat next to Helena, a senior agent of the Order of Ostia—an agna, she had told me, while Franklin, the man I had supposed a broker of black-market concubines, was a perses of the Pretorian Guard.

“Go go go,” she said, her voice very calm. The screen in front of me, which had shown only shadowy shapes in night-vision green, flared white and then adjusted to the light in Belkonov’s dungeon. A cloud of dust obscured all detail for a few seconds, but I could make out the figures standing in the center of the room, and the bench they stood around.

I heard Heather say into the silence that followed the wall’s falling into the room, “Perfect timing. You motherfuckers have thirty seconds to decide. Either you show your newfound loyalty to me and Ivan Antonov, and grab Belkonov for me, or you die.”

I shook my head, affection—no, love—for her filling my heart, alongside anxiety for her safety and the sheer desire to get her out of there and into my arms as soon as humanly possible. The thought that she and the Pretorian Guard had played me for a complete fool occurred to me, as I listened to Heather’s perfect accent.

You needed to be played for a fool, I told myself. You had no way out, on your own.

The Guard had sent in six milites—the equal, as far as I could tell, of any elite special forces in the world. They remained completely silent; if the plan was going to work, Heather had to show herself entirely in charge of them, as well as of the situation as a whole.

The dust had rapidly begun to settle around the six people in the dungeon. The view through the lead miles’ helmet camera, of the magnificent, naked young woman in the midst of the fully clothed men, took my breath away. She had her arms folded across her chest, underneath her adorable little breasts, apparently unconscious of her nudity. They, on the other hand, seemed the naked ones; the fact that three of them had their rapidly softening cocks out didn’t help, either.

To the right of me, I heard Helena chuckle.

“She’s something,” the agna said. “I’ll let her tell you about her recruitment. Not a great look for us, really, but we do know how to choose the right people even if we sometimes have to use… extraordinary measures, let’s say, to bring them in.”

On the screen, I watched the four lieutenants obey my beautiful naked concubine—the young woman they had thought utterly at their command, the girl they had gotten so hard thinking about whipping and fucking so hard and so long that she hardly noticed when they killed her.

“But…” Belkonov spluttered—literally spluttered, because I could see the drops of spit flying from his mouth as his former minions turned to their new mistress with compliant eyes. “But… is the wand fake?”

The helmet camera swung from him to Heather—the lead miles was clearly interested in hearing her answer, too.

The smile on the face of the girl I loved, for her submission and for her power, made my heart glow.

“Nyet, Boris Viktorivich,” she said, her voice as scornful and dismissive as if she were a Tsarina returned from ages past. “It’s not fake at all. The secret is that it can’t make me do anything I don’t really want to do, deep down.”

Heather let the news sink in, with all its strange and fascinating implications.

“So…” Belkonov said. “So you…”

“So the reason I’m not on that bench with my ass in the air, the way I would be for the man I love… the one at whose side I’m going to rule this fucking disaster area from now on, is that you and your tiny cock couldn’t dominate a lap dog, let alone a woman like me.”


Two of the Guard milites took Belkonov away, through the tunnel. I turned to my four new henchmen and the rest of the milites.

“Right,” I said. “Anyone with his cock still out should put it away.”

I looked pointedly at the ones who had clearly forgotten all about their lolling penises as they had delivered their former employer into the hands of special forces warriors—my special forces warriors, I could see they had concluded, just as I, and the Pretorian Guard, had intended.