He gave me no further warning. He stepped to the side, out of my field of vision. Terrified, I twisted in the stout restraints that bound me to the whipping bench, trying to look over my shoulder. I could just catch a glimpse of Pyotr, raising the horrible knout to shoulder height, his other hand behind him like some old engraving of ancient punishment.

“No… please!” I cried. Not since my anonymous Guard trainer had first punished me had I felt anything like this much fear. My whole body shook. My mind felt like I might mercifully pass out before the lash reached my naked backside.

I didn’t, though a moment later I wished I had. The awful leather tails of the knout made a terrible sound as Pyotr laid them with full force across my bottom, and nearly instantly came the agony. It felt as if he had laid a burning brand across both my rear cheeks. I cried out, rearing my head back as my backside started to squirm, helplessly, my body desperate to try to ease some tiny part of the pain away.

The butler struck again, and though I had resolved not to give the brutal man the satisfaction, I heard myself scream as if I were listening to someone else. In some distant part of my mind, I hoped irrationally that my cries of agony might somehow reach Ivan’s ears, wherever he was. I felt certain he had left his palace, though, so that he wouldn’t have to watch or even to hear Pyotr’s triumphant enjoyment of his master’s fuck toy.

When the knout’s lashes bit into my poor bottom, in what felt like exactly the same place Pyotr had just whipped, twice, my entire body convulsed, screaming and crying and writhing in my leather bonds. I knew I couldn’t bear it. I knew that when the moment came, as it must—as I thought it would right this instant, because the butler had stopped and I felt certain he had started to unbutton his fly—I would beg. I would plead with Pyotr to fuck me anywhere he wanted, for as long as he wanted, to keep him from bringing the knout down on my bare backside one more time.

I hung my head, eyes closed and hair falling all around my face. I sobbed quietly, my bottom-cheeks clenching and unclenching desperately. Behind me, Grisha said, “Look at that little cunt. She needs it so bad. What a dirty slut.” At least the shudder of shame that went through my whole body at the coarse words could easily be mistaken for the effect of my terrible whipping.

I waited for Pyotr to walk around in front of me. To make his lewd demand.

But instead of having the butler’s aged cock presented to my face, I felt a hand—a gentle hand that couldn’t be Pyotr’s, on my cheek.

“Look at me, girl,” Ivan’s voice said, from high above me.

I looked up, and saw my owner gazing down at me with an expression that made my blood run cold, as fiercely as my heart had been pumping it an instant before. Ivan’s face looked like some gifted artist had carved it from a block of ice. So handsome that my heart ached as I thought about the tenderness in him that lived alongside the cruelty. So hard-set and guarded that I feared not just for my backside but for my life.

He’s putting it on for his henchmen, I tried desperately to persuade myself. He wouldn’t have come here if he didn’t actually care.

“I was going to leave you to Pyotr and these loyal men,” he said, “but I need to return a favor, so I’m going to give you to Boris Belkonov tonight. He and I had a little problem today, and I had to go a little rough on him. I want to apologize the best way I know how, by giving him my used fuck toy.”

I watched him look over at Pyotr. He spoke in Russian.

“Bring the knout here, please. I want to make certain this slut understands her place in my household.”

He reached his hand out. My thoughts and feelings roiled with such fear and confusion that I could hardly remember what had been said in Russian and what in English. I hoped fervently that the pleading that came out of my mouth wouldn’t reveal any knowledge I shouldn’t have.

“Please, Master… please… don’t…”

But Ivan took the knout in his hand without looking at me, and went to stand in the same place Pyotr had stood. More strenuously than ever, I tried to twist myself around in the restraining leather. I could see his face, could see his gaze fixed on my already terribly punished bottom, my spread legs, the private parts where he had thrust his hardness and taken his pleasure so many times. He raised the horrible whip to the level of his shoulder.