Tonight seemed… well, an idle thought wondered, more of a comma? A semi-colon? Definitely more of an interruption in the flow of his mastery than a decisive, final point of punctuation.



I pulled Heather’s mouth off my raging erection. With both hands around the back of her skull, I tilted her head up toward me. Her eyes wide and a little wild as if at the suddenness of the movement, she gazed back into my face, mouth still wantonly open, lips shining with her saliva and my pre-cum, tongue stuck out just a little. My cock leapt and my hips twitched at the surge of arousal that swept through my loins, just at the sight of my precious bed girl’s naked beauty, at the abandoned, submissive expression in her eyes.

“Do you remember when I fucked your ass for the first time, girl?” I asked, my voice emerging in a low growl, under the influence of the rampant sexual need and my will to dominate the lovely young woman who knelt so provokingly before me.

Provokingly… Yes, my hardness seemed to say, as if a man’s cock had a mind and a voice of its own, Heather Foster is the kind of girl who provokes the lust of the man who owns her, isn’t she?

My reason, my rationality, the part of me I used to make decisions in the daylight, protested. My American concubine hadn’t asked to kneel and suck my cock, had she? When she did beg to serve me, she pled for my mastery because she had on the one hand the threat of a whipping and on the other the promise of her own pleasure only after she had satisfied my lust.

I had bought Heather at great expense, and I exercised my will over her because of my own passion to master the gorgeous girl; Heather didn’t provoke me into using her body to its utmost opportunity for my cock’s enjoyment through any intention of her own. To call it that… to punish her, for example, simply for the way her loveliness made me hard as iron every time I made her remove her clothing… it was monstrous, my reason told me.

Or… it would have been monstrous if I couldn’t tell how much she needed it, too. I had hardly required the help of the good-girl wand’s effect to tell me that, even at the beginning. Four months into my bed girl’s servitude, with my manhood plunging into her night after night and her backside sternly birched or spanked or strapped over and over on the slightest pretext of misbehavior, I knew Heather Foster harbored—to her embarrassment—desires that mirrored mine.

She might well have wished to cease being the kind of girl who provoked degrading use and strict discipline, but she couldn’t change that part of herself any more than I could change the hardness of my cock whenever the time came to take her again.

Or the troubling need I had to do the opposite, as well: to take care of the marvelous Heather Foster. To find a way to have her not merely as a lovely possession, a fuck toy to use and to share so that others could use her too as a coveted favor from the warlord who had earned their loyalty with such lavish generosity.

To have her as my own.

To love her, and to win her love for me, the man who had four months ago spanked her and then brutally deflowered her along every path her sweet young body afforded… who had sent her for fucking all around the city… who suddenly needed to make certain she remembered what I wanted her to remember about the first time I had taken her anally.

“Do you?” I demanded.

“Yes, Master,” Heather whispered. Her cheeks had gone very red, as if at the humiliation in the memory.

“What do you remember?” I asked, feeling my eyes narrow as I scanned her face, affection vying inside me with the sheer desire to subject her to my dominant will.

Her forehead furrowed deeply. Even before she spoke, I knew she would say exactly what I had hoped.

“You were gentle, at first, Master,” she whispered. “You wanted to see my face.”

A wave of tenderness swept through me, which my reason angrily rejected.

Don’t fool yourself, my better judgment said. This ‘love’ you think you’re feeling is a weakness. You need to get rid of her.


Ivan had been gentle, at the start. He had told me to stand in front of the fire, with my hands behind my head, my face to the roaring hearth. I had trembled despite the heat from the burning logs as he had come up behind me, his hands and his hard cock seeming to touch my skin all at the same time, so that I felt like the entire outer surface of my body had become a newly, overwhelmingly erogenous zone.