“Yes, Master,” I said, the words almost entirely automatic, as if Ivan had drawn them from me as a natural tribute to his ownership.

For a long moment we simply looked at each other, and I sensed, with a thrill of arousal so strong that it made my hips twitch shamefully and my nose wrinkle in distress at my body’s helpless response, that my owner wanted me to think about what would happen next. About the consequences of my failure to maintain eye contact.

To my dismay, the thought—the notion conceived in hope by the part of my mind that somehow remained innocent of my darker ideas—that Ivan might do nothing to discipline me sent a tremor of disappointment through my limbs. The deep, inescapable darkness my Guard trainer had forced me to face seemed to rise up like a shadowy version of myself, a sneer on her imagined lips. Could the man who had bought me truly show himself so weak, when he had just literally uncrated me and unwrapped his expensive fuck toy?

As if he could read my mind—as if he had wanted me to feel that let-down before he crushed it under his heel—Ivan spoke words that made my already elevated heart rate soar to a wild new height.

“I’m going to spank you for that in a moment,” he said, his voice somehow both casual and terribly menacing. “But I have a lesson for you first. Lower your eyes.”

The abrupt command came like a slap to my cheek. I didn’t know why it should affect me that way, but suddenly the denial of the privilege my master had granted only a moment before, to behold his gorgeous face, brought a little sob from my throat. I felt my face twist into a mask of embarrassed sorrow, as if I had done something naughty even to steal a glance at Ivan’s eyes, though he had ordered me to do it—and would, I recalled with a jolt of mingled fear and arousal, soon punish me for letting my attention wander.

I returned my focus to his feet, but I saw his hands moving higher up, and I felt certain he was finishing the revelation he had begun with the untying of the knot in his dressing gown’s sash. A little whimper of fear that I couldn’t keep back rose in my throat.

“You’ve never seen a cock, have you, girl?” I heard Ivan’s voice say. “That’s what the broker told me.”

“I’ve… I’ve seen… you know… pictures?” I said. I wanted to pretend I felt the blushing innocence with which I spoke, my face burning and my eyes studiously fixed on Ivan’s leather moccasins. The innocence, however, thanks to my straitlaced upbringing and my Guard trainer’s methods, remained real. The hooded man had whipped me and brought me to helpless climax after helpless climax, but I had never even known if wringing that compliance from my body had made him hard, down there.

“But never an actual man’s hardness?”

“No, Master,” I whispered.

“When my penis is uncovered, from now on, girl,” my master said slowly, as if to make certain each word had its proper effect, “you must keep your eyes fixed on it, unless I tell you otherwise.”



Ivan had had to use the compliance wand that first night. Remembering it, as I fixed my eyes on the enormous, rigid shaft of my master’s manhood, I could somehow look from two perspectives, and feel the emotions of both as well: the girl of four months ago, whose first sight of a man’s hard penis had raised a foolish but terribly necessary resistance in her… and the girl of this moment, the one whose mission had just been set in motion by the voice of a stranger in Devushkin’s discipline room.

Both Heathers blushed at the sight of Ivan’s massive cock. Both knew that it would soon thrust its way inside their most private places. Both understood, deep down, how much they needed it—needed its iron-hard length to enter them, use them, enjoy them as its owner chose, without regard for the girls’ pleasure or even their comfort.

As Ivan turned me with his hands, though, and began to bend me over, the perspectives of the two Heathers diverged. I could nevertheless still see through both viewpoints, both lenses, it felt like. I remembered my resistance that first night, how the pressure of my master’s hand on my back hadn’t caused me to bend compliantly, reaching down for my ankles and shuffling my feet apart a little in order to give Ivan his favorite view of me—above all after a sound whipping when he could run his fingertips gently over the welts he had made, or others had made with his consent and approval.

I felt my muscles tighten, tensing against the pressure from this frightening man’s big hand. I knew how terribly foolish I would be, to rebel here and now, when I had every reason simply to let the man who had bought me have his way. I had even seen in his eyes, only a few moments ago, that rather than the brutal ogre I had feared, Ivan Antonov possessed the capacity to cherish his bed girl even as he kept her firmly in line and used her regularly with his manhood.