Page 64 of Madam, May I

He cried out.

She smiled against his chest and did it again. And again. And again.

And when she leaned back from him, pushing her breasts upward, he held her securely around the waist and bent his head to do the same. Soft flickers. Deep sucks. Tender bites. Over and over.

“Nice,” she sighed in pleasure.

“Huh?” he asked, raising his head.

“Don’t stop,” she said.

More suckling.


The urge to turn things up filled her, but she refrained. He was not ready for her to pull out all her tricks. Not at all.

One day, though.

She turned their bodies and sat down on the sofa. His erection was aligned with her mouth and she cut her eyes up at him. His eyes were wide with shock and hope, but again she refrained. He would climax in minutes without ever stroking inside her. She was that good.

Instead, she spread her legs wide and leaned back against the sofa as she stroked her own intimacy with her fingers and patted it lightly.

“Ms. Smith,” he said in awe.

She smiled at that.

Loren dropped to his knees and leaned forward to press kisses against her cleavage as he fumbled his fingers below to stroke at her wetness. She arched her back and rotated her hips as he shifted to suck at one of her taut nipples. The feel of his middle finger sliding inside her pulled a cry of pleasure within her as she closed her eyes and stretched her arms out along the top of the sofa.

She gave in to her passion, reveling in mutual desire. Being wanted just for the sake of being wanted. Desire. Passion. Pleasure. And in those heated moments, her notice of his awkwardness faded as she let her body rule over her brain. What he lacked in skill they made up for in chemistry that shocked her.

Her entire body felt alive.


Were there things she needed to teach him about exploring more of her body, dirty talk, and slight aggression? Yes, but at that moment, as her throbbing clit ached relentlessly she didn’t care. It was almost six years and even then, many years before where her pleasure had been forced and faked.

This was real and pure and good.

“Now, Lo, now,” she cried out, needing a release.

As she writhed in pleasure, she could hear the tear of the condom’s foil.

She was hungry for it. “You ready?” she asked, spreading her legs before him.

“Hell, yeah,” he said.

When his probing of her missed the mark, she reached down and gripped him to guide his hardness inside her. With one deep thrust he entered her. She winced at the feel of her core adjusting to the feel of him. His length. His thickness. His hardness. That wicked curve.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

Loren wrapped his arms around her body and buried his face against her neck as he trembled. “If you feel like you’re gonna cum, then stop stroking until it goes away to last longer,” she said. “Okay?”


His body was rigid and stiff for long moments that nearly made her mad, until finally—finally—he began to glide inside her. His thrusts were deep and fast. Hard and unrelenting.

She didn’t tell him to slow down. She didn’t want him to.