Page 28 of The Rebel Heir

Seeking a connection, Jillian raised her hand from his shoulder to his nape and leaned a bit closer to lightly rest her forehead against his chest. She inhaled his cologne and closed her eyes as they swayed to the music.

But all she could think of was that Miles wasn’t as tall as Cole, who could easily rest his chin atop her head and whose height forced her to lean back to look up into his face. And his cologne was spicier than the cool notes Cole preferred. Because of Miles’s bald head, there were no soft curls to tease on his neck. His hand on her back felt unfamiliar. They were not moving in sync.

He was not Cole.

Jillian released a heavy sigh.

Miles paused. “Everything okay?” he asked.

Her eyes studied his face. He was a handsome man. A nice man. Successful and charming.

But not Cole.

That blue-eyed playboy has me all messed up.

Miles chuckled and raised her arm above her head to slowly spin her before gently guiding her body back against his. “I don’t have a chance. Do I?” he asked, sounding amused.

He’s insightful.

Jillian offered him an apologetic look. “You would—”

“If...” he offered.

She nodded and bit the corner of her bottom lip.

“So where is he?” Miles asked as he danced them in a circle among the other dancers on the black floor with its red-hued lighting that harmonized the soulful ambience.

“Not with me,” she admitted in his ear, feeling the loss of Cole as tangible as the pain of a deep cut.

“Is he on his way back?” Miles gently maneuvered her into a dip and then lightly jerked her body back up against his.

Okay, this is fun, Jillian admitted to herself.

“No,” she admitted to him.

“Then maybe you should go to him,” Miles offered before he raised her arm for another twirl.

And say what?

Forgive me? Understand me? Have me?

I love you?

But did she want a relationship with Cole or anyone else? Did she want to put her heart out there just to be disappointed? Was Cole worth risking it all?

I’m already heartbroken.

And her biggest fear pulsed with a life all its own deep inside her, causing sleepless nights and nail-biting sessions.

Just because I love him doesn’t mean he loves me.

As Miles twirled them around the crowded floor, her thoughts filled with Cole’s anger. Their fling had lasted longer than expected. Why was he so angry at her? That she’d chosen her career over great sex? Or...

“Miles?” Jillian said. “Can I get a male point of view on something? Is that okay? It’s abouthim.”


Although she felt uncomfortable talking to her date about another man, she longed for a male perspective on something that had nagged at her of late. “What would cause a man to be so angry about a woman ending a no-strings attachment?” she asked.