Tahir stepped back and instantly she craved his touch. She wanted to burrow herself in his embrace and say she’d take whatever he’d give her, no matter how fleeting.

He stood proud and tall. A strong man. The man who owned her heart and soul. The man who could never be hers.

A sob rose in her chest and jammed her throat. She wrapped her arms round herself, hugging the crimson silk close, knowing her dream was over.

‘You fill my life, Annalisa. You make me whole. That’s what matters.’

Slowly, without taking his eyes from hers, Tahir reached into a pocket and drew out a velvet pouch embroidered with gold. He opened it, plunged his hand inside and withdrew something that shimmered fire.

‘You will be the finest queen Qusay has known. Not just because of your compassion and intelligence. But because I love you, Annalisa.’ He held out his hand. ‘Do you hear me? I love you and I want you to be my wife. Not only for the sake of our child, but because I can’t imagine my life without you by my side.’

He unfurled his fingers and a thousand scintillating lights dazzled her. Emeralds and diamonds spilled from his hand in a massive sparkling web.

Her breath stopped as she realised what it was: the Queen’s Necklace. A royal symbol of power and wealth dating back centuries to the time, it was said, of the first emerald mines in Qusay. It was given to each new queen as a sign of her paramount place in the kingdom and of her husband’s fidelity.

Annalisa’s knees crumpled, and only Tahir’s strong hands stopped her collapsing. Against one bare shoulder she felt the cold touch of peerless gems. They were real.

‘Annalisa! Say something.’ His voice was hoarse with passion.

‘But you can’t—’ She struggled for words as she grappled to understand. ‘You don’t—’

‘Love you? Of course I do.’ His hands tightened against her. ‘Can you forgive me for not realising sooner? It’s still a new concept to me. But if knowing I never want to be anywhere but by your side means love, and wanting to grow old with you, watching our children and their children, then I love you.’ He dragged in a huge breath. ‘You make me dare to want what I never dreamed of before: the love of one special woman.’

Her heart swelled at the look in his eyes.

‘The question is, do you trust me enough to be my wife?’ A shadow of doubt darkened his clear blue gaze. ‘I’ll do my best to be a good husband. And I’ll learn to be the sort of father our child needs.’

Annalisa had never seen him so earnest. Never before felt the emotion that flowed from him in warm waves. Love, strong and pure.

‘Of course I trust you, Tahir.’ She raised her hands and cupped his strong jaw. ‘I love you. I’ve always loved you.’ Fire blazed in his eyes and, emboldened, she leaned close to kiss him, her heart overflowing with a happiness she’d never thought possible.

‘Wait! Let me do this first.’

Bewildered, she saw him lift one hand and turn her round. In the full-length mirror on the wall she saw their reflection. Tahir behind her, raising the net of stones, massive emeralds interspersed with teardrop diamonds, over her head.

The crimson dress had already dropped unheeded to the floor and she stood, naked but for her lace underwear, as he fastened the elegant necklace, a king’s ransom, around her throat.

Her eyes widened at the weight of it, the sheer magnificence. But it was Tahir’s hands, slipping round to undo her bra and tug it away, that absorbed her attention. The sight of them together, of his bronzed hands moving purposefully on her paler flesh, sent ripples of desire through her.

‘My perfect bride,’ he murmured against her neck as he cupped her breasts with warm hands.

Fire sizzled through her and she sagged back against him, eyes fluttering shut.

‘But I’m not. I’m not royal. I’m half-foreign.’

‘You’re perfect,’ he said again, nipping the sensitive flesh beneath her ear.

This time, hearing the love in his words, she dared to believe.

‘That’s why I cancelled the wedding arrangements. I realised last night I couldn’t take you as my wife in some second-rate ceremony. I want the world to know when I make you my bride.’ His breath was warm on her skin. ‘It will take longer to arrange, but we’re having the biggest wedding Qusay has ever seen.’

‘But you can’t. The constitution…’ Her words petered out under the sheer weight of sensual pleasure as he massaged her breasts and kissed her bare shoulders.

‘The constitution will be changed. If Qusay wants me as King, then you will be my Queen. I met with Akmal today to make my ultimatum, and believe me…’ he paused on a chuckle ‘…I made my point forcefully. Arrangements are being made as we speak.’ He nuzzled her neck. ‘Now, open your eyes, habibti.’