She leaned into him, revelling in his fervour, in the seductive power of the one man in the world who awoke her dormant longings.

She heard a growl of approval as her hands crept to his neck. He scooped her up, settling her on his lap. His intimate heat cradled her and excitement spiralled. Her heart galloped at the feel of him surrounding her even as dimly she realised she should stop him.

Tahir didn’t even break their kiss. He tucked her close, leaning her back over his arm and claiming her mouth so thoroughly her disjointed thoughts shattered.

Annalisa’s fingers tunnelled through his hair as she revelled in a kiss turned hungry and urgent.

Her body throbbed in every secret place.

When his hand slid to the neckline of her dress she arched instinctively. But the tightly sewn bodice defied him and she almost cried out in frustration.

Restlessly Tahir traced the edge of the fabric, testing, then curling his fingers around it. A shocking jolt of excitement shot through her at the idea of him ripping the material, shredding the costly silk and gold so he could caress her bare skin.

She pressed higher, silently urging him.

He cupped her breast, then arrowed in on her peaking nipple. Annalisa groaned as fire flashed. That strange ache was back again between her legs and her body shook.

It was only as she dragged in a deep breath that she realised Tahir had pulled back, ending the kiss to look at her with glittering eyes.

In this light his face seemed pared down to slashing lines. Their gasping breaths drowned the roar of the surf. She shifted and abruptly stilled as she came into contact with proof of his arousal.

His lips tilted in a knowing smile that radiated masculine satisfaction. He lowered his head to her breast.

‘No! Don’t!’ The expression on his face had cut through the glorious haze enveloping her. Harsh reality filtered in. Clumsily Annalisa pushed at his shoulders.

His mouth hovered a breathtaking centimetre from her breast. She shoved harder and he looked up from under raised eyebrows.

‘No?’ His voice curled around her like rich, dark chocolate. Pure temptation.

What was happening to her? Where was her pride? Her self-control? He’d decided to kiss her and she’d let him. Shame singed her face.

He doesn’t want you. For a couple of hours maybe. When it’s ‘convenient’.

Was this a test to see how compliant she was?

She gasped down a horrified breath. How easy it would be for him to seduce her into making this relationship more than a paper marriage. If she let him he’d tempt her into surrendering to him physically.

Presumably on the few nights when he preferred less sophisticated amusement in his bed.

Instantly strength returned to her pleasure-drugged body and she shoved harder. This time he straightened.

His eyes narrowed. In the gloom Annalisa caught a glimpse of danger in that stare. For a heartbeat she felt fear, the awareness of the hunted. Then it was gone. Tahir sat back, his hands dropping to the seat. Only the grimness around the lips hinted that she’d displeased him.

Annalisa scrabbled to her feet, reaching for a nearby trellis to keep her upright on weak knees.

‘You don’t want to kiss me?’


His look told her eloquently that she lied.

Stubbornly she stared back. ‘That was a mistake.’ She wished her voice was steady, without that husky edge. ‘I…’ She put a hand to her pounding heart and searched for a suitable lie. ‘I don’t want you to touch me.’

His eyes held hers, as if weighing her mood, her distress. Had he any idea how close she’d come to total capitulation?

‘As you wish.’

His words were so unexpected it took her a moment to process them. Could it really be so easy?

She didn’t wish! That was the problem. She longed for his touch, his tenderness. For a hint that he felt something for her, even if only a pale reflection of what she still felt for him. Annalisa blinked and looked away to the rolling surf. She would master her feelings.

All he felt was lust. And obligation.

‘I’ll make the wedding arrangements,’ he said, with a change of subject that left her floundering. ‘You won’t have to worry about anything other than resting.’

Could she marry him after what had just happened? Surely this proved he was even more dangerous than she’d thought.

‘I’m not sure—’

‘Be sure, Annalisa. We are marrying.’ His tone brooked no argument. ‘For the sake of the child.’

For their child. Her shoulders sagged. She had to remember they would be married for her baby, even though her body still thrummed with frustrated desire.

The fact that Tahir had taken her withdrawal so easily just proved he’d been amusing himself. He wasn’t really interested. She wasn’t his type. Their marriage would be a legality only.