His mouth quirked in a shadow of the lopsided smile she knew so well and her stomach gave a disturbing little jiggle. ‘I’ve had two diplomats, the Chair of the Literacy Commission and countless others remarking how they enjoyed your company.’


Then what was his problem? She hadn’t pushed herself forward, trying to embarrass him. Why had he been angry?

‘Really.’ Tahir lifted a hand, then paused, before spearing his dark locks in a gesture of frustration. Abruptly he turned and paced away, then back again.

‘I’m sorry for my behaviour tonight,’ he said finally, his voice a low rumble. ‘It was inexcusable, especially in public. I saw you with him and I…’ Tahir made a slashing, violent gesture.

Clearly he wasn’t used to apologising. But Annalisa sensed there was more. She stared. If it weren’t so preposterous she’d think Tahir was jealous.

Impossible! To be jealous Tahir would need to care. He didn’t.

‘You don’t accept my apology?’

Surprised, she noticed his indignant expression. Clearly humbling himself was a new experience.

‘No, I—That is, yes. Of course.’

‘Good.’ He met her eyes with a seriousness that reminded her of the man she’d known at the oasis.

The man she’d fallen for.

Annalisa drew a sustaining breath and told herself to stop fantasising. But she couldn’t prevent the spark of warmth that look had engendered. She’d felt it when he’d protected her from Saleem too.

‘You’ve had days to think, Annalisa. Days since I said I’d marry you. I’ve been more than patient.’

Her pulse thrummed a heavy beat, quickening as she met his gaze. He reached out and clasped her hand, raising it between them. He held her lightly, yet instantly longing swamped her. Indignation and hurt were forgotten.

‘It’s not what either of us wants. But we’re trapped by circumstance’ His voice deepened. ‘You know in that logical head of yours this is the only way.’

Before she could respond he lifted his other hand and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Her breathing faltered and her cheek tingled where his knuckles brushed.

Yearning rose, swift and undeniable. She shouldn’t respond. Yet her eyelids flickered, weighted under the impact of the glint in his eye.

There were times, like now, when she longed to trust Tahir. Forget her doubts and fears and accept his strength. Times when her dreams sank beneath the weight of what she felt for him. Because she was off-balance in this harsh new reality? Because she felt so alone and bereft of friends?

Tahir’s fingertips brushed her cheek again, swept to her chin and then her throat. Annalisa swallowed hard, remembering the sweet ecstasy he’d wrought with his touch once before.

She wanted Tahir so badly.

Feather-light, his fingers trailed to her neckline. Annalisa’s heart pounded a needy rhythm even as she tried to tug herself free of his sensual spell.

‘If we marry it will be all right.’ His deep voice soothed, almost as hypnotic as his touch. ‘Our child will have the protection of my family name.’ His thumb traced the line of her collarbone and she trembled. ‘You want to protect our child, don’t you?’

Annalisa nodded, her throat too dry for speech. The banked heat in his eyes mesmerised her. As did his hand, curling around her neck, fingers sliding into her hair and tugging it down. Her skin prickled deliciously at the sensuous caress against her scalp. She tipped back her head, unconsciously baring her throat. His fingers tightened in her hair and she caught the sultry spice scent of his skin.

That magical feeling was back. Wondrous sensations only Tahir could ignite. Tiny shudders of excitement and pleasure shook her.

‘Marriage will protect you both, Annalisa. You’ll be safe and cared for.’

She barely heard him over the clamour of her heartbeat. What she felt was so strong surely it was right.

‘You’ll be wealthy and respected, mother of a future monarch. There will be no public backlash or snide remarks about our child. It will be secure and accepted. And you needn’t worry I’ll interfere or take over your life, apart from the necessary royal obligations. You have everything to gain from our convenient marriage.’

It took an inordinate amount of time for his words to sink in. Annalisa looked up into that proud, stern face and wished she hadn’t heard.

She had been melting at his touch, seduced by his tenderness and her need into believing a future with Tahir mightn’t be the disaster she’d feared. That perhaps they had something to build on. Something that might flower one day into the sort of love her parents had shared.