Distress and regret stifled her. She turned her head, seeking Rihana’s reassuring presence. Instead she discovered searing blue eyes staring at her from under disapproving dark brows.

Annalisa caught her breath on a gasp and her companion swivelled, stammering, ‘Your—your Majesty.’

Tahir inclined his head briefly. ‘I’m not interrupting?’

The look in his eyes said he didn’t give a damn if he was.

‘Of course not, sire,’ the young man replied hurriedly. He looked from Annalisa to the Sheikh looming beside them, then scuttled away, murmuring excuses.

At Tahir’s blatantly disapproving look Annalisa felt a surge of anger rise. She hadn’t done anything wrong.

Demurely she bowed her head. ‘Your Highness.’ She let her tone tell him what she thought of his attitude.

For one heady moment she’d thought he’d searched her out because he wanted her company. How pathetic could she be? The reception included plenty of sophisticated, beautiful women and Tahir had talked with all of them.

‘Don’t Highness me, Annalisa. It’s too late for that.’

The acid in his voice jerked her head up. Thank goodness he was speaking so softly no one else could hear.

‘And don’t look for anyone else to rescue you.’ He bit the words out through gritted teeth. ‘No one will interrupt.’ His mouth twisted wryly. ‘That’s one of the perks of being King.’

‘I wasn’t looking for rescue.’ She tried to still her galloping pulse and slow her breathing. Her weakness for him horrified her. ‘Why would I need rescuing?’

‘If you flirted with me the way you did with him, I’d be tempted to flirt back. And, believe me, I wouldn’t be as easy to shake off.’ His lips drew wide in a feral smile.

Something fluttered deep inside her. Excitement.

‘I wasn’t flirting.’ Annalisa lifted her chin, but she couldn’t prevent a guilty flush staining her face. It wasn’t her fault her companion had misunderstood. Was it?

One step brought Tahir close. His warmth enveloped her. If she moved a fraction they’d be touching.

Around them she heard a ripple of speculation sharpen voices, then an expectant lull as conversation ebbed.

Her heart thudded against her ribs and she felt again that curious tightening in her womb. Her body recalled too well the delights they’d shared, no matter how she tried to forget.

She sucked in a deep breath, then wished she hadn’t as the movement brought her breasts close to his torso. Heat zapped between them and the air crackled.

Annalisa stepped back, pulse skittering.

He followed, closer than ever.

‘Don’t,’ she whispered.

‘Why not?’ One eyebrow arched.

‘Everyone is looking.’ She felt the stares, heard the whispered speculation.

‘So?’ His mouth twisted in a cruel smile. ‘Shouldn’t you get used to it? If you’re going to bear my bastard you’ll always be the focus of gossip.’

Annalisa gasped, her body stiffening as if under a blow. She shuffled back another step, hand spread over her juddering heart. How could he be so…merciless? There was no sympathy in that proud, powerful face. Just disdain and a shadow of anger.

‘Don’t speak of it that way,’ she whispered.

‘Can’t face the truth, Annalisa?’

Pain sheared through her. It would be the truth. Because she’d been foolish enough to give herself to him. Because, despite the threat of scandal, she was scared to marry Tahir. Such a union     would stifle her. She and her baby needed love. Could they get that from a convenient marriage?

‘This isn’t the place to discuss it.’ She dredged up her battered self-respect and met him stare for stare.

‘Then we’ll go elsewhere.’ He paused. ‘I warn you, if you’re thinking of staying to snare another man it won’t work. I’ll make sure of it.’

Outrage doused her pain. ‘Don’t be absurd,’ she hissed. ‘You’re mistaking me for someone else. I have no interest in snaring any man.’

‘Not even to find a gullible, alternative father for—?’

‘Not even for that!’

How could he think it? Had he no notion how momentous their short relationship had been for her? Did he really think she’d scheme to marry another man?

That she’d give herself so easily to another?

Annalisa’s anger grew white-hot, and with it a hurt that stabbed her to the core. Tears burned her eyes and she turned to stare, blinking, across the room as if absorbed in the colourful scene. The depth of her pain appalled her.

‘I wasn’t flirting.’ She drew a shuddering breath. ‘I was just…talking. He was interesting, okay? And I’ve missed…’