She felt caged, no longer in control of her life.

‘I was concerned for you.’

‘Really?’ She met his eyes. Fervently she wished she couldn’t remember how they’d glowed with approval as she’d climaxed beneath him. Such memories underscored a weakness she couldn’t conquer.

‘It was unpardonable to leave you at such a time. I’m sorry.’

Her surge of indignation deflated abruptly with his apology. He was the monarch. He had other responsibilities.

‘You were needed elsewhere. I understand.’ Suddenly she felt exhausted.

‘That’s no excuse. My presence at the negotiations was more or less symbolic.’

Why did he brush off his vital part in the treaty talks? She frowned. Surely a shallow man who revelled in his prestige would brag about his pivotal role?

‘You should rest.’ A hand at her elbow propelled her to the seat and she subsided, Tahir beside her. His body warmed her even where they didn’t touch.

It felt as if he drew her close with an unseen force field. Annalisa breathed deep and told herself she imagined the zap and crackle of electricity between them.

‘It’s time we resolved this,’ he said finally.

‘What?’ she said wearily. ‘You want a DNA test to prove the baby is yours?’

His fingers flexed and his hand dropped away.

‘I know it’s mine.’

Annalisa swung to meet his gaze head-on, plunging into clear depths that glinted with an expression she couldn’t name.

‘You’ve changed your tune.’ It didn’t matter that an hour ago he’d championed her against Saleem. It still rankled that Tahir had doubted her word.

His nostrils flared and he straightened, as if unaccustomed to being challenged. ‘The news came as a shock.’

‘You thought I was lying.’

‘It wasn’t the first time a woman had said she carried my child.’ His gaze bored into hers. ‘But it’s the first time it was true.’

Bile rose in Annalisa’s mouth. She was simply one in a long line of women. A notch in his belt. Only she hadn’t been sophisticated enough to prevent her pregnancy.

‘So you believe me now?’

‘I believe you. I know you.’

Fervently Annalisa wished she could say the same. Tahir confused her. Was he a careless, selfish hedonist, or a man of sense and compassion? He altered each time she saw him. No wonder she felt disorientated.

‘Unfortunately your uncle’s visit changes things. There’s no chance now of keeping our relationship private.’

Relationship? It was on the tip of her tongue to say they had no relationship. Just a one-night stand.

‘What do you suppose he’ll do?’ She felt sick, thinking of the vitriol he’d pour into waiting ears.

‘Nothing. He won’t say a word to anyone.’

Annalisa opened her mouth to protest that Saleem would surely continue gossiping. Then she saw Tahir’s expression and a chill pierced her. She wouldn’t like to be in Saleem’s shoes.

‘But he’s already said enough. When your pregnancy starts to show people will remember his words and put two and two together.’

Stupid, but she couldn’t prevent a fillip of pleasure that Tahir had accepted she’d have the baby. That he hadn’t tried to push for a termination.

‘They’ll know the baby is mine.’

‘If I’m in Qusay.’ Yet she couldn’t imagine raising her child anywhere else.

‘It doesn’t matter.’ His voice was terse. ‘The damage is done. Wherever you are this will catch up with you. There’s no escaping.’

His words carried the weight of a judge delivering sentence. The hairs on her nape stood up at his bleak tone.

‘There’s only one option.’ He drew in a slow breath, as if delaying the pronouncement. ‘We must marry.’

The words echoed in her disbelieving ears.

‘You’ve got to be kidding!’

‘You think I’d joke about this?’ He shot to his feet to pace before her. ‘You think I desire marriage? That I haven’t considered every alternative?’

Annalisa read disdain in the proud lines of his face. A bone-deep distaste that shrivelled something in the pit of her stomach.

What he meant was he had no desire to marry her.

The fact that she wasn’t ready for marriage either didn’t ease the pain of his rejection.

Tahir’s eyes were glacier-cool and her heart plunged. Did he think she’d tricked him into this? What other reason for that terrible distant look?

‘I didn’t know Saleem would come here. I didn’t intend for anyone to know.’

He swatted aside her protestations with a slicing gesture. ‘I know. That’s immaterial. What matters is our solution to the problem.’