‘It wasn’t violence, sire.’ Saleem cowered back. ‘It’s a matter of honour.’

‘You have a quaint understanding of honour.’ Tahir’s scorn was knife-edged. He turned his head again, looking over his shoulder at her. ‘Can you walk?’

‘Of course I can!’ She stood up, away from the couch.

‘Then go now. The footman outside will see you to your rooms.’

A cowardly part of her wanted to do as he said, escape from her uncle’s ugly accusations. But she stood her ground. ‘This is my business.’

For long seconds his deep blue gaze held hers, till tendrils of heat curled inside her, warming the chilled numbness. Finally he nodded.

‘It is. Do you trust me to deal with it?’

Deal with Saleem? She had no doubts Tahir could do that more effectively than she.

Instinct overrode every doubt she had about his character.

He hadn’t even acknowledged the baby was his, yet in this moment she knew no one could be a stronger champion for herself and her child.

‘I trust you,’ she murmured.


ANNALISA breathed deep of fresh, salty air, her hands twining restlessly. After that appalling scene she’d sought the garden overlooking the King’s private beach. A quiet place to think.

But she hadn’t been able to decide what to do. She’d been too caught up in reliving the horror of her uncle’s accusations, and her overwhelming relief when Tahir had appeared. Just his presence had steadied her nerves.

Should she leave? Where would she go? To the village that had been her home? Could she expect the same treatment from the rest of her family?

Salty tears clogged her throat. Surely not. Surely they’d be more charitable. But right now she didn’t want to test that.

She had to find a safe home, where her child would be welcomed, not scorned. She hugged her arms around herself, feeling more alone than ever.

Tahir had asked her to trust him, at least with Saleem. It confused her that she had. Shouldn’t she be wary of the man who’d been shallow and callous? Yet now he’d stood up for her so forcefully.

‘Annalisa?’ A deep voice spoke as gravel crunched underfoot. She sat straighter and turned.

Her breath escaped in a sigh of appreciation as she devoured the sight of Tahir. Commanding nose, chiselled jaw and sapphire eyes that glittered under heavy lids. Sensation flared inside her. Desperately she told herself it was from gratitude that he’d dealt with Saleem.

Long legs ate up the distance separating them and she stood, feeling at a disadvantage sitting.

Besides, he was her king. She had to remember that.

‘Thank you for dealing with…’ she swept her arm wide ‘…with him. If you hadn’t come—’

‘Don’t think about that.’ He reached out, enclosing her hand in his. Heat engulfed her fingers and spread wondrously. ‘It’s over. He’s gone.’

Was that satisfaction she heard in Tahir’s voice? Surely he hadn’t strong-armed Saleem into leaving?

‘I’m sorry.’ She shook her head miserably. ‘You shouldn’t have had to witness that.’ Embarrassment fired her cheeks as she recalled all Saleem had said. Her skin crawled at his filthy outpouring of venom.

‘Look at me!’

Tahir’s abrupt tone jerked her head up. She met his bright, unblinking eyes. Somehow that steady regard strengthened her still-trembling body.

‘You have nothing to apologise for. I’m just sorry I didn’t arrive early enough to deal with him before you were called.’ His lips curled in a tiny piratical smile. ‘He won’t bother you again. Ever.’

Annalisa didn’t care how Tahir had done it; she simply basked in the knowledge.

‘Thank you.’ Profound relief coloured her voice and he inclined his head.

‘How are you?’ His grip tightened. ‘Do you need a doctor?’

‘Of course not.’

‘You’ve been unwell.’ His expression was sombre. Her pulse gave a shaky little jerk at his concern. ‘The obstetrician was at pains to stress you need rest.’

She frowned. ‘How do you know what she said?’ At Tahir’s bland expression futile anger spiked. ‘So doctor-patient confidentiality doesn’t apply at the palace?’ She pulled her hand free and paced, restless at the discovery her privacy had been overridden.

Annalisa had never felt more powerless than in these last days, when her life had been turned upside down.

She was used to making decisions, being useful and active. Now she was in limbo, unsettled and unsure of herself. She’d thought today’s interview with Saleem the final straw. Now she discovered she didn’t even have exclusive rights to information about her own body.