Spittle flecked her cheek as he ranted and Annalisa cringed, the blood draining from her face. This was worse than anything she’d expected. Horror froze her to the spot.

‘I’m nobody’s whore,’ she said breathlessly when she found her voice. ‘You have no right—’

‘I have every right. You’re my responsibility now your father and grandfather are dead.’

Annalisa shook her head. ‘No! I’m responsible for myself.’

‘Not when you bring shame on the family.’ His jaw thrust forward aggressively. ‘I should have expected something like this, considering the freedoms you were given growing up. That father of yours—’

‘Don’t you dare say a word against my father.’ It was Annalisa’s turn to step forward and she saw surprise flash in Saleem’s eyes. ‘He was worth ten of you.’

For a moment there was silence. Blood pounded so hard in her ears she felt light-headed with the force of it. Distress, fear and fury were a sour mix on her tongue.

And guilt. Guilt at the way she’d fallen so easily for Tahir’s facile charm.

‘What would your precious father say if he could see you now?’

Annalisa swayed as if from a body-blow. Her father would be on her side. But how disappointed he’d be. He’d taught her the value of love. She’d fallen for its pale shadow.

‘Don’t you realise what you’ve done?’ Saleem pressed on. ‘The gossip about you and the King alone together in the desert for days?’

‘What was I supposed to do? Ignore him when he stumbled into camp and leave him to die?’ Annalisa planted her hands on her hips, finding relief in anger. She glared. ‘If there’s gossip, I don’t have far to look for the source, do I?’

She guessed any such news hadn’t come from the palace. The Queen didn’t need to give reasons for inviting a guest to stay. Nor would it be from her other relatives, or the camel driver, who was an old friend of her father’s.

Her suspicions were confirmed when Saleem spluttered, his gaze sliding from hers.

‘You never liked me and you wanted an excuse to blacken my name.’

‘Excuse?’ he bellowed. ‘What need for an excuse when you’re pregnant? Ah, you didn’t know I knew, did you?’

A sneer distorted his face and he grabbed her elbow in a merciless grip. Annalisa felt the walls close around her as shock and fear crowded close.

‘You little slut. You were so caught up in your affair you didn’t even have the sense to hide the evidence. Your aunt found the pregnancy test, clearing out your belongings when your lover sent his servants for them.’

Annalisa shrank from the hatred in his face.

‘She was so upset I knew something was wrong. It didn’t take much to get the truth out of her.’

Annalisa closed her eyes, praying fervently he hadn’t used violence on her poor aunt.

A savage wrench of her arm made her flop like a rag doll. ‘Now what have you got to say for yourself?’

‘She’ll say nothing to the likes of you.’ The deep voice came from somewhere behind Annalisa, penetrating the haze of shock. ‘Let her go. Now.’ Tahir’s voice dropped to a lethal rumble, like thunder on the horizon.

Instantly Saleem released her arm and she staggered a couple of steps away.

He’d heard the threat in Tahir’s voice, for all the newcomer hadn’t raised his voice. The air thickened, heavy with a menace more powerful than any of her uncle’s taunts.

Swiftly she turned. Tahir stood feet wide, fists clenched. The sheer aggressive energy radiating from his tall frame was at odds with the urbane sophistication of his tailor-made suit. Never had she seen him so forbidding. His jaw was razor-sharp, his sensuous mouth firm. Tahir’s face was austerely calm, but the light in his eyes was bloodthirsty. As if he wanted to tear her uncle limb from limb.

Relief swelled, buckling Annalisa’s knees so she sagged against the back of a couch. She slid a shaking hand protectively across her abdomen.

‘Your Majesty.’ Her uncle bowed stiffly.

‘Are you all right?’ Tahir ignored him, turning to look at her. Even the concern in his tone didn’t obliterate his distant, inflexible expression.

She wished he’d sweep her into his arms and hold her tight, till the trembling and the sick distress passed.

‘I’m all right.’ Annalisa was so shaken she didn’t care that her voice wobbled with relief.

He swung round to her uncle, closing the space between them in a few strides. ‘If I ever hear you’ve used violence on a woman, any woman, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.’ The softly spoken words had the force of a cracking whip. ‘And I’ll know. I’ll make it my business to know.’