How gullible she was. Even after his treatment of her, she’d expected better.

‘You deny my situation has anything to do with your claim to be pregnant?’

‘Claim?’ Annalisa remembered the days she’d fretted that pregnancy was possible. The fatigue and nausea. The panicked knowledge that she had to make decisions not just for herself now, but for her baby. Her hands clenched as she resisted a never before felt urge to slap someone.

‘I’m pregnant. It has nothing to do with you being rich or the brother of the King. I only found that out when your mother told me.’

‘And you couldn’t resist sharing your juicy news with her, right?’ His dark scowl was furious.

‘I told her nothing!’

One eloquent eyebrow rose in disbelief and he crossed his arms over that broad chest, the epitome of male scorn.

Suddenly she felt dreadfully small and powerless.

‘Then why was she so solicitous?’ he pressed. ‘Why leave us alone against every rule of protocol?’

Horrified, Annalisa widened her eyes. Had the Queen guessed? Her stomach lurched in dismay. Bad enough sharing the news with Tahir. She wasn’t ready for the Queen’s censure too.

‘I was sick when we arrived. Morning sickness…’

‘You didn’t drop any coy hints?’

His words lashed her, his distrust stinging like the blast of a sandstorm on bare skin.

Annalisa wouldn’t stay to be insulted. She’d done what she must.

But as she marched past he reached out and snagged her wrist. His touch was shocking heat against her flesh, making her pulse gallop.

‘Let me go. Or am I supposed to make obeisance to such an important person first?’ She’d never been one for sarcasm and her furious words surprised even her.

Tahir peered down into her face. ‘Where will you go?’

‘To my aunt’s house. I have to pack for my flight.’ She tried to tug free but his hold tightened implacably.

She breathed deep. ‘Please, let me go.’ His closeness confounded her outrage, weakening her fragile composure.

‘You can stay here,’ he said abruptly.

‘No! There’s no need.’ She stepped back but he followed, crowding her. His scent invaded her nostrils and to her consternation she felt a flicker of response to its subtle allure.

‘There’s every need,’ he assured her. The glint in his eyes sent a shiver of doubt racing down her spine. ‘We have things to discuss.’

Annalisa looked away. ‘I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.’ He’d made it clear he thought she was inventing the story of her pregnancy.

‘Oh, I wouldn’t put it that way.’ His voice dropped to a silky burr. His thumb stroked her sensitive inner wrist, brushing back and forth till her pulse raced unevenly.

Startled, she met eyes turned bright with desire.

Her breath caught in her throat as an answering tide of warmth spread out from her womb. One look from half-lidded eyes, one word in that bedroom voice and she melted!

‘I’m going.’

Tahir shook his head, that flash of hunger doused as if it had never been. He looked grim.

‘My family and I owe you hospitality for saving my life. Besides…’ his long fingers tightened on her wrist ‘…I’ll only have you brought back. Far easier if you stay.’

‘Brought back?’ Indignation warred with fury. ‘Just who do you think you are?’

He inclined his head, sketching a graceful gesture with one hand.

‘I’m Sheikh Tahir Al’Ramiz, King of Qusay.’ His eyes flickered in grim amusement. ‘I’m your sovereign lord.’


FOR the first time Tahir relished the fact he was King.

Because Annalisa couldn’t escape till he was ready to let her go. He could demand her obedience.

Because he revelled in the power it gave him over this one woman. He felt a ripple of primitive pleasure any civilised man should abhor.

What did that say about him?

He scrubbed a hand over his face. Why couldn’t the elders and citizens of Qusay understand they supported a flawed man as their monarch?

He remembered the dismay on Annalisa’s face when she’d learned who he was. Busy in her outlying province, with her packing and her goodbyes, she’d heard Kareef had renounced the kingship, but not what had followed.

She hadn’t known Tahir’s identity.

The doubts that had swarmed on hearing her revelation had disintegrated in the face of her shock. Cynicism engendered by grasping lovers and false paternity suits had melted as he’d watched her struggle with the gravity of her situation.

Pregnant with the monarch’s child.

No wonder she’d paled. She’d swayed, the dazed look in her velvet eyes evoking a protectiveness he’d known only once before. When he’d deliberately invited her scorn at the oasis so she could be free of him.