Amazement froze her.

She didn’t cry. She had no time for tears.

Though her father was gone the locals still came to her for advice. It was she who’d reassured them. Who’d lobbied for a doctor to replace her father. Who’d taken the new medic to meet the community and help build acceptance for him. Who’d ensured her father’s comet got official recognition.

Now it was all done and she was no longer needed.

She felt…adrift.

Horrified at her weakness, she stared up into eyes as clear and pure as those alpine streams she’d dreamed of seeing for herself. Tahir’s brows furrowed as if in concentration while his long fingers smoothed her cheek.

She swayed forward to the rhythm of his touch then, startled, drew back.

Dark lashes veiled his eyes. His face was expressionless, still, waiting. He cupped her jaw and the pulse beneath her chin throbbed against his touch.

‘You should be proud,’ he murmured. ‘And happy.’

‘I am.’ She fought back a self-pitying sniff. She was stronger than this. Her sudden weakness was inexplicable.

‘You miss him.’ He paused, letting the silence lengthen. ‘It’s difficult being alone, but you’re strong. You’ll survive.’ The words were whisper-soft, barely audible. Yet the timbre of his voice, like a desert zephyr at daybreak, heralded something new.

More than just pity. Understanding. A precious sense that she wasn’t alone. That he knew all she felt.

Abruptly Tahir dropped his hand and stepped back.

The distance between them made her shiver anew. Instinctively she moved forward, only to halt as his eyes blazed with sudden heat.

Ever since falling asleep in his arms Annalisa had known this man was dangerous in ways she barely comprehended. But she’d shoved that knowledge aside, trying to be grateful when he kept his distance.

Now, reading the glittering hunger in his eyes, she knew a reckless desire to walk straight into danger.

Not giving herself time to think, letting instinct drive her, she stepped close, lifting her hand to the hard line of his jaw.

Sensation shot through her as her sensitive palm scraped his shadowed chin. His days-old growth of beard tickled and teased. Darts of fire scorched through her, making her belly cramp and her legs quake.

His mouth firmed to a severe line and he drew a slow breath. Did he too notice the suddenly heavy scent of musk and heat on the night air? His hand clamped hers.

‘You’re not thinking straight.’ His words were harsh and she read tension in his shoulders.

‘Please, Tahir.’ She didn’t know what she pleaded for, yet she knew she couldn’t bear him to turn away.

‘What is it you want, Annalisa?’ His deep voice sounded strained and his pulse hammered beneath her touch. That reminder of his vulnerability gave her the courage to meet his gaze head-on.

Mutely she shook her head, unsure how to answer, yet sure she needed something from him. Just the warmth of his living skin against hers was balm to a heart that hadn’t been allowed time for grief.

The sense of connection felt so real, so profound, she couldn’t turn away.

Annalisa raised her other palm and pressed it against the lapel of his dark jacket, absorbing the rhythmic thud of his heart against her hand. So strong. So alive.

‘Annalisa.’ His deep voice turned gruff with warning—or displeasure. ‘Don’t.’

Yet he didn’t move away. He held her gaze with glittering eyes half-veiled by long lashes that somehow emphasised his utterly masculine features.

‘Please…’ It was a whisper of sound as she raised herself on tiptoe so her breath feathered his neck, his chin. His warmth enfolded her, drew her.

This near, his mouth was an implacable line, his jaw a study in tension, but the compulsion to touch him, as a woman touched a man, was too strong.

Just this once.

Her eyes flickered shut as she pressed her lips to his. His mouth was soft. Surprised, she pushed closer, enjoying the slight friction as her lips slid along his, revelling in the tickle of stubble against her cheek. She felt daring and powerful and anything but lonely.

She pulled back and opened heavy lids. Her breathing had quickened—or was that his? Their bodies touched in intriguing ways she wanted to explore.

But, looking into his tense face with its brooding angles, Annalisa realised she’d overstepped the mark.

The fluttering excitement in her chest died and her stomach plunged. Heat scalded her cheeks and she looked down at the lapel of his tuxedo.

Some tiny part of her mind told her if she lived to be a hundred she’d never see a man look so good in formal attire. But mostly she just wanted the earth to open and swallow her whole.

She bit her lip, an apology trembling on her tongue. Kissing a man wasn’t as easy at it seemed. Especially when he hadn’t invited a kiss.