Page 7 of Collapsed

The door to my room opens and my other new best friend comes strolling in looking like a unicorn vomited and she dressed up in it. “Hello, dark and dangerous,” she coos as she enters. “I brought snacks and maybe a little extra sneaky gift if you’re a good boy today.”

“You wound me, baby, thinking I would be anything but good,” I purr as I hold my hands over my chest like she actually wounded me. She giggles and tosses me a bagel breakfast sandwich before handing one to Katia too.

“I already visited the other two fools down the way and gave them their food. Conrad says they might get discharged later this afternoon. What about you?”

I growl. She smiles at me, but it’s Katia who answers while giggling. “Alexie was sleeping when the nurse came by earlier. However, it looks as if he’ll be here longer now since he can’t seem to keep his heart rate under control.”

I glare at her. She winks, and Rainbow Sparkles throws her head back, laughing. “Well, then I guess you haven’t been good. You don’t get my sneaky prize.” She reaches into her trench coat and pulls out one of those mini party bottles of vodka; the good stuff too.

“You can leave that here for me to drink later, when I leave this place,” I tell her, which has Katia snapping her head in my direction, her eyes locking on my ocean-blue ones.

“You are not leaving this room, Alexie. I want her back just as much as you do. Conrad is working on tracking her. We just have to wait,” she lectures me. I roll my eyes at her before huffing out a large sigh.

“I’m done waiting, Katia. Tomorrow is three days, and that will not stand. I am leaving to find our girl. Conrad is good, but I am better. I know Ivan better than they ever could.”

She stomps her foot at me and groans. “I’m going to go get a coffee and you,” she points a finger at Rainbow Sparkles, “Better talk him out of whatever plan he has concocted in that little twisted head of his.” She storms from the room muttering about impossible Russian bastards.

“So, now that she’s gone, I can take off this glorious, but very hot coat,” Rainbow Sparkles says as she starts carefully removing the long rainbow-striped coat she came here in. Once it’s carefully set on the chair, she spins. Down the back of her legging are two guns. She reaches behind her and pulls them out, holding them by their grips, and handing them to me. “Figured you’d need these.”

I smile, sitting up. I set them behind my pillow so no one's the wiser that they are here. “Thank you, BJ.”

She gasps, slapping my shoulder, “I brought you killing things and you call me that? I thought we were besties?”

“Fine! Sorry, Rainbow Sparkles, thank you for bringing my guns. You know the others will be furious if they know you helped me?” She shrugs, and I leave it alone. She must be thinking the same thing I am. They can’t be mad if they’re busy being happy thatMalyshkais back where she belongs.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” She bends down, sliding her hand in her knee-high glittery boot, and pulls out my dagger. She throws it on the bed next to me. Scooping it up, I kiss the blade like it’s my long-lost lover.Actually, I plan on kissing her everywhere when she’s back, especially her other lips.

“You’re ridiculous! Well, I am off to visit Lane at Reds. Good luck tonight. Remember, call me if you need me. I’m there no matter what, okay?”

I nod, and she comes over, kissing the side of my head. As she turns to walk away, I grab her and plant a kiss right on her lips. “Don’t tell Katia, but I think you might be the favorite.”

She throws her head back, laughing, wiping off my kiss as she strolls from the room. Quickly, I slide my dagger back behind my pillow with my guns and wait. I’m due for another routine check soon, and once they leave, I am out of here. It’s time to find myMalyshka.

Sliding off this uncomfortable as fuck hospital bed, I make my way to the cupboard across the room where I saw Katia put my bag of clothes and other shit. I take the bag from its shelf and dump the contents out onto the chair where Katia has been living for the past few days. Grabbing the black shirt and black jeans, I head into the bathroom to change.

I flick the light on and look in the mirror. Damn, I look fucking terrible. I haven’t shaved in two days, and my hair is a mess. How Rainbow Sparkles could stand to kiss even my head is a question of her sanity. But that’s why I like her so much, she gets my brand of crazy. She embraces it, actually. I value her more than she will ever know.

To remove the chemical scent of the hospital from me, I take a quick shower. I step out and throw my clothes on and hurry to run a comb through my hair. Tossing my hospital gown into the still-wet shower, I hit the lights, making my way back into the room to grab my shoes.

Slipping on my shoes, I make quick work of tying them. I stand, crossing the room in two large strides to grab my treasures from behind the pillow. I shove the dagger BJ brought me into my boot and the two guns into the waistband of my jeans. Slowly, I creep to my door, cracking it to make sure the coast is clear. I’m not too worried about anyone, except for the people on this team.

Once I see the coast is clear, I squeeze out the door and make a beeline to the stairwell. There is no way I’m taking a chance on waiting for the elevator. Elevators are too unreliable; you never know what floor they’re going to stop at or who will be waiting on either side of the doors.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I make it to the floor level in no time. I quietly creep my way to the parking garage, finding an all-black Dodge truck. I look around and see no one around. I turn my back to the truck and throw my elbow back into the window, breaking the glass. Unlocking the door, I get in and with swift and precise motions I hot wire this huge ass truck and back out.Freedom!

I navigate out of the parking garage and turn out onto the main stretch of road. I know exactly where I’m going. Ivan probably tookMalyshkaout of Chicago already, but I have to know for sure, so I’m going to one of his drug storage facilities to double-check. The men there better not ask questions, and be ready to follow me or they'll meet my blade. I am not in the mood for any shit. Anyone who stands in the way of retrieving my girl will die.

The bloodshed might help with some of this rage churning inside me, so really it’s a win-win. Ivan will also be gunning to take over the Bratva, but that can’t happen. As long as there's air in my lungs, I will make sure Ivan has no power. I could become the head of the family, but then I’ll have a lot of work to do. I want to make it as legitimate as possible. I’m fine with doing business in drugs and guns, but everything else has to go.

I’d keep all the strip clubs open, but that’s all they’d ever be- clubs for the public. The women would all be there of their own free will and would be well paid, completely taken care of. I’m snapped from my thoughts by a horn honking at me. Giving them the finger, I keep driving with only one thought in my mind. Locating Ivan and gettingMalyshkaback safe and sound.

I pull up to the storage facility in no time and head towards the back entrance. As I get to the door, two large men move to stand in front of me, blocking the door. “Who are you, and what business do you have here?” the ugly one asks.Ha! That’s funny, they’re both ugly.

“This is my storage facility, and I want inside now!” I bark at them.

They chuckle. “You certainly do not own this facility. It belongs to Ivan, head of the Volkov Bratva.”

“Your mommies made you ugly llamas, and stupid as shit. I am Alexie Volkov, and this is my fucking building. Now move, or I’ll gut you like the useless pieces of shit you are,” I growl out, one hand ready to bend and rip my blade from my boot in an instant.