Page 18 of Collapsed

Contemplating how odd it is for a van to be stolen in a neighborhood like this, I make a mental note to amp up the security at the house a bit. Boris pulls into the driveway and stops, pressing the garage button to pull our SUV inside with the other one we keep here. Sitting in silence while waiting, it gets about halfway up when I notice the other SUV is gone. I turn to Boris, burning a hole into his skull with my glare. “Who left? No one had any permission to leave.”

“Umbra, no one said anything about leaving, I swear. Someone is probably just running an errand, we were not supposed to be back so soon.” He tries to hide the fear in his voice as he pulls forward to park inside.

“You better hope that is all it is. Whoever is gone will pay when they return, I promise you that,” I tell him before getting out of the car. Looking back before shutting the door, I add, “And I am a man of my word, Boris.” He is glued to his seat as he stares back at me.

Stomping up the few stairs into the house, I fling the door open so hard it hits the wall behind it, shoving the door knob through the wall and causing a large hole.

I yell, “Idiots! Come here, who has left without permission?” A few seconds pass, and all I am greeted with pure silence.

Pausing, I take in the lack of movement and sound within my home, and fury begins to build within me.

Boris comes stumbling in behind me, and I turn to glare at him. “Go find the men. I am going to the basement. They better not be touching my women.” He wanders off toward the kitchen and living room. As I begin to pull the basement door open, I stop, shutting it again when I hear Boris call out, “Fuck!”

“Shit? Shit, what?” Making my way into the living room, I notice him down on the ground, checking for a pulse on one of my other men. “What the fuck is happening here?” I ask, but before I can finish my sentence, a thought comes to my mind.Moy ogon!!

I run to the basement to check out the situation down there, suddenly fearing the worst as I feel Boris on my heels, following for backup. Flying down the stairs and along the hallway, I notice all the doors are open, and there are blood trails everywhere. I go straight toMoy ogon’sroom to find three more of my men dead, with her nowhere to be seen. In a fit of rage, I turn and pistol whip Boris, knocking him out. I am so furious, I needed to punish someone, and he has already pissed me off today. Plus, he is the only one here with me, alive… for now.

Leaving the room, I roar as loud as I can, going into the next room to check on my other prisoner and finding she is also unchained and missing. Yelling again, I flip over the table where I keep my tools on and rush back out of the room to seek out Boris again. He is just starting to stir when I pull my gun back out, pointing it right between his eyes. “Wrong day to be here, my friend,” I say before blowing his brains out all over the floor.

I head back upstairs to search the rest of the house to make sureMoy Ogonis not hiding out anywhere. My anger has me lashing out and shooting holes all over the house as I search, thankful my gun has a silencer attached since the police are only houses away. Clear a room.Bang! Check the bathroom.Bang!Walk past the closet.Bang!I am acting on my rage-fueled emotions right now, but I do not care at this point.Moy Ogonis gone. She is too smart for her own good. How did one weakened woman take out four of my men? That should not have been possible.

My rage finally settles, and I take out my phone, making a call. The line picks up, and before anyone can say a word, I start talking.

“Your comrades are dead. Get your asses here to clean up the bodies. Get them out of here quickly and discreetly. I want this house and my dungeon spotless by tomorrow morning.”

“Yes, Umbra, we will be there with a team shortly. Sir… what happened?”

“MoyOgonhas escaped, and she took one of my prisoners with her. She killed everyone in the house. That little minx must be found as soon as possible so I can begin to punish her properly.”

I have one of the bedrooms set up as a security tech room for any needs that may pop up. I go lock myself in and start searching all the cameras in the area forMoyOgon. She has become a ghost– no, a shadow… just like me. I can not find her anywhere. She has disappeared without a trace.

I may need to rethink the setup tomorrow night to focus on drawing her out. Once I get her back, the bitch is going to pay. I will break her hard and fast.


WearrivedinNewYork with no issues, unless you count the pissed-off glares of one angry Russian woman. Katia is fucking pissed at everyone, but I think I’m getting the worst of it. She’s pretty upset that I, of all people, didn’t rally for her to come with us. I could have told Stryker this was going to go over like butter and water, but he wouldn’t have listened.

The men, actually this whole team, need to find out for themselves how close and inseparable Katia andMalyshkaare. Now that they are romantically involved? Lord help all of us if we try to come between them. Which is exactly what is happening now, as we all get death glares from Katia.

Getting to The Plaza was quick and simple since Conrad had arranged everything ahead of time, as usual. I’m beginning to think he’s just a travel agent at this point and not an actual Elite agent like the rest of these bastards. He seems to run communications and schedule travel for us; I’d like to see him in the field just once.

After checking in and getting to our penthouse, we immediately dismiss the man in the fancy suit who runs the elevator. We can’t trust anyone in this city at the moment, so with him gone, we know anyone who comes to this floor is expecting a death most sweet.

“Everyone in the living room in ten minutes!” Stryker yells across the suite.

Rolling my eyes at his bossiness, I ignore him and head to my room to take a shower. I like to rinse off the smell of travel from my body, especially when I fly. Stepping into the shower, I stand under the spray for a minute, letting the hot water soothe my muscles and scorch my skin.

Stepping back out of the shower, I hurry to my bag and slide into some black sweats and a white t-shirt. Toweling off my hair before running some product through it, I give myself an approving wink in the mirror and head out to where we have been summoned. I am the last to the living room, and all eyes turn to me when I come walking out.

“It’s about fucking time, Alexie! We have shit to do, you know,” Stryker barks at me.

“Relax, Boss-man, I have a plan already. You are in my city now, Stryker. I know this place like the back of my cock. I text Jaxxon on the plane and asked for an update on my empire before we make any solid plans. We have to know where all the moving pieces are before we plan our attack,” I tell him, rolling my eyes.

It’s like he knows I just said his name because my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out. “It’s him,” I tell the group as I answer, “Privet,Jaxxon.”

“Hello, old friend.I have news, there is a meeting tomorrow night at seven PM. It’s at the warehouse on 8th Street,”he informs me in our Russian tongue.“Who gave you this information? Are they reliable?” I ask, and the answer is going to be no, they’re not reliable, but the name will tell me how much I can depend on this information.
