“So, should we prioritize finding this girl over finding Ivan?” I ask, and everyone whips their head in my direction.
“This woman - sorry, King, but she is nineteen, almost twenty, which makes her an adult, not a girl. She left the note saying she was coming for Ivan, and I think if we can track her down, she could lead us to Ivan since she is hunting him too. I don’t think she should be our sole focus, though. If she impedes our plan to get to Ivan, then we rethink our stance and take action on her,” Stryker speaks, his tone firm.
“I agree. How much damage could she do? She was probably bought by Reid and had enough of his torture, so she took her retribution,” Marcela says with a shrug.
“That wouldn’t explain why the house was broken into. The window was damaged. If Reid bought her, why would she have to sneak in?” Luci asks, and she has a point.
“Maybe she snuck out, got locked out, or was thrown out as punishment. We won’t know, but she’s a tiny little thing. She killed one slimy bastard, so personally, I’m cool with it,” Marcela retorts.
“I’ll perform my blowjob now, Prince-y,” Alexie says, causing the room to fall completely silent before everyone breaks out into obnoxious laughter.
That fucking asshole. I’ll show him a blowjob.“Since you’re so eager to follow through with your end of the bargain, what do you say we raise the stakes, Alexie? If Katia can hit the target again without any coaching, I’ll have Luci choke on your dick while I fuck her from behind. If she misses, you still have to suck my dick, but you’ll do it while Luci pegs you,” I tease him.
“Deal!” he yells as he rises from his chair and heads toward the backdoor.
What the fuck did I just do?”
Prince-ythoughthewascalling my bluff, but I got his ass. Little does he know I’m not intimidated by a little-ass play. IfMalyshkawanted to play with me in that way, I’d let her. I’d let her do whatever she wanted to me.
“BJ, we are continuing to focus on Ivan, but I still want to know more about this Ginger girl. Can you do some digging?” Stryker asks as we all move to leave the dining room.
“Yeah, Boss man. I got you,” she counters, grabbing her pink laptop and heading to the living room. Flopping on the couch, she throws a blanket over her legs and opens her computer. “Stryker! Bring me a kombucha, would ya?” she calls.
Stryker stands and makes his way to the kitchen. “If no one needs me, I’m going to head up to my room and do some more work on the database I’m creating,” Conrad says.
“I th–”Malyshkastarts but is cut off by Conrad’s phone ringing. His phone isn’t the only one, though. Every phone in the room goes off. Conrad,Malyshka, and I stare at one another, confusion covering our faces. Stryker comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of kombucha in one hand and his phone in the other. His gaze locks with mine, and he nods, gesturing to open the phone.
“It’s a video message,” Conrad says. “Did we all get one?”
“It’s from an anonymous number. I’m opening it. I have to know what it is,” Natalia whispers. I grab her and pull her tightly to me. Her back is to my chest as I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her head, prepared to watch this video with her.
“Please! I’ll do anything! You don’t have to do this! Please!”is screamed by a woman in the video. She’s tied to a T-post, wearing nothing but a white negligee and a veil. Her hair is bright red, and the color is fresh as it’s dripping down her face.
“You will pay for escaping me, Moy Ogan,”a sinister voice coos, andMalyshkashivers in response. “It’s Ivan,” she whispers, turning her head to look up at me. “She’s done up just like the woman I freed from his house the night I escaped. How did he get another victim so quickly?” A tear rolls down her cheek.
The woman shrieks and gasps in pain as Ivan removes each of her fingers and toenails. “You are such a naughty girl,Moy Ogan. It’s time I finally give you my seed,” Ivan says.
Malyshkacloses her eyes tight and covers her ears when Ivan removes his pants and assaults the poor girl. She’s whimpering as he grunts and groans his release. He slits her throat and continues thrusting inside of her until he finishes. Ivan pulls his puny cock from the girl and tucks himself away before he turns to face the camera. “Don’t worry,Moy Ogan,I do not plan to end your life. I want you to live a long and joyous one with me and our children. See you soon,” he purrs into the camera before the screen goes black.
The back door flies open, slamming into the wall behind it, and King storms in carrying a sobbing Katia. “Did you guys get sent that fucked up shit too?” he roars.
“Yeah, it seems it was sent to all of us,” Stryker responds.
“We need to find that piece of human filth and end him once and for all. Katia collapsed in a panic in the yard. I couldn't get her to stand up,” King snarls. He sets Katia down, and she rushes toMalyshka,hugging her tightly.
“I’ll start looking into how he got all of our numbers.” Conrad grabs his laptop and storms from the room, heading upstairs.
“I need to put away the shit out back,” King growls and heads back outside.
“Are you alright, Katia?” I ask, and she nods as she shakes inMalyshka’sarms.
“Yeah, I think I just want to lay down for a while. Alone please,” she murmurs and heads to her room, sniffling.
“Come on,Malyshka, let’s go lay in bed and cuddle. Just you, me, and a warm blanket that will help your racing heart,” I tell her as I pick her up and toss her over my shoulder, heading to my room.
I setMalyshkaon the bed and pull the blanket up and over her. Quickly, I strip down to my briefs, climb in beside her, and pull her into my arms. “Shhh,Malyshka, you’re okay. You’re safe. I got you,” I murmur into her auburn hair. Within minutes, I hear her breathing even out as sleep takes over her.