Page 39 of Miss Hap

Ah, crap. A tear slipped free, sliding down my cheek.

He cursed softly, pulling me up from my chair and cupping my chin so his thumb could wipe the moisture away. “I’m sorry, Addison. For being a grumpy boss and especially for how I handled things on Friday night.”

Gah, as far as apologies went, Leo’s was not only sincere, but intense. “Thank you.” I licked my lips. “Guess we’ll forget it ever happened.” I would never get over the desire for a redo, but I didn’t see him letting me anywhere near his penis again.

“Is that what you want?”

“What I want is a magic eraser wand where I’m not the crusher of blow jobs and the killer of orgasms.”

His chuckle was unexpected. “It was definitely memorable.”

He held my gaze, leaving no doubt he was replaying everything before the disaster. His expression as he continued to hold my face in his hand was causing my legs to shake.

“What do you want?” My voice was a whisper of hope.

“What I want would scare you,” he muttered, dropping his hands.

A wave of lust hit me. “I’m not easily scared.”

His eyes snapped to mine. The pause was palpable until he finally said, “We can’t do this here at work.”

Did that mean he wanted to do it elsewhere? Leo was like an impenetrable vault who couldn’t be read.

Thankfully, his next words cleared up at least half the mystery. “Meet me at my house tonight after you get off work. I owe you dinner.”

My eyes went wide. An entire day was a long time to wait. Especially when he didn’t appear convinced this was the best idea. “Just dinner?”

He picked me up so suddenly I gasped. He set my ass on his desk and stepped between my legs. His cock pressed against my center. Even through the material of his clothing, I could feel his heat.

His breath danced along the skin of my neck, causing goose bumps to pepper my body. He breathed in my scent and suddenly, as if he could deny himself no longer, his mouth was on mine. It was carnal and, oh, so hot.

And while I was ready for him to take me right here and now on his desk, he had more willpower and pulled away, though his breath was heavy on my neck.

“When the clock hits five, I want you to go into the bathroom and remove your panties. Then get in your car and drive directly to my place. I’ll meet you there.”

My hands skimmed his muscled arms. “What if I go and remove them now?”

He growled. Straight-up growled in my ear, the sound boosting my sexual confidence.

“Your bare pussy is for me, no one else. Keep it covered until you’re ready to leave.”

Damn. His alpha proclamation was the hottest thing I’d ever heard. Lamely, I replied with a shaky, “Okay.”

He pulled back, cupping my face again and kissing me one last time. “Good girl.”

It was as if I was playing a sexual fantasy video game, and I’d just beaten a boss level, with a new kink unlocked. Ding, ding.

The praise kink.

And I was a fan.

* * *

Never in thehistory of days had one gone by so slowly. And it didn’t help when I didn’t see Leo for the rest of the day. Apparently, he had to be on-site for an install.

My desperate enthusiasm begged the question of how things would be between us come tomorrow. We hadn’t discussed it, but from what Leo had said on Friday night, I gathered this was to be a one-time thing. He didn’t do relationships, and although I didn’t typically do one-night stands, I’d gone without sex for too long to deny myself.

Hell, if I was giving up on the entire relationship idea, wasn’t a life of one-night stands my future? But there would be the problem of the awkwardness in the office come tomorrow. Ugh. I refused to think about it. It was officially tomorrow’s problem.