Page 11 of Miss Hap

I burst out laughing. “Did I pass a test or something?”

He shrugged. “You must’ve. Look, I won’t promise working with Leo will be a piece of cake, but he’s one of the best men I know. Honest, loyal, and incredibly generous. He started this company in order to give jobs to veterans, and all of them respect the hell out of him.”

“He was military?” Now that Nic mentioned it, such a history made sense.

“Yeah, Special Forces. Most here are former military. Do yourself a favor and don’t bring it up. They’re all proud to have served, but most don’t like to talk about it.”

I nodded, taking it all in. “You’d be the one who’d give me direction and answer my questions?” The more I could avoid Leo, the better.

He smiled. “Yes. Definitely. All decisions would go through me. Including the one to hire you. And if you want the job, Addy, then it’s yours. Let me get the offer letter with salary and benefits information so you have everything you need to make a decision.”

He left me in the conference room with my thoughts. I had a thick skin and didn’t worry about getting my feelings hurt…much. But I also didn’t want to dread coming to work. On the other hand, there was clearly another side to Leo. He gave jobs to veterans, and I now remembered how he’d offered me a ride from the airport. Perhaps I’d only scratched his surface.

This would be an easy commute, and I’d love to run an office and institute processes and procedures for a growing company.

Dominic returned momentarily. “Here is the offer letter with the compensation and benefits laid out.”

My eyes went wide at the number. It was more than I’d made at my job in California, and it came with a healthy retirement savings and fair benefits. Not to mention I got three weeks of vacation in the first year.

“It’s Monday through Friday, with no weekends or nights.”

“What are the hours?”

“Flexible. Eight to five, with a one-hour lunch okay?”

“Yeah. Definitely good.”

“The first thing for you to do is make a list of new furniture we could use, starting with replacing these horrible chairs. Together, we’ll work to make this place more like a real office. You can help me screen and interview a receptionist and develop new hire orientation and procedures with our HR person. What do you say?”

It was the best job offer I’d had here in Vegas or, really, anywhere. “You know there’s a good chance Leo might fire me by the end of my first day.”

He grinned. “Then I’ll rehire you. Could be fun. Wanna start today?”

Although my knees hurt, and my ankle was throbbing, I wouldn’t say no. This was exactly the type of opportunity I’d been searching for.



Iwent straight into my office and shut the door behind me, wiping the sweat from my brow despite my quick shower. I should’ve taken more time to cool down, but I’d been anxious to get into the conference room and blow the interview wide open. Instead, Addison’s raw honesty about why she’d dropped out of nursing school had taken me off guard.

And I had no doubt right about now Dominic was offering her the job. It wasn’t as if I had a good reason for him not to. Except for the fact I was irritatingly attracted to her. But I’d eat my own shoe before admitting that to anyone. I was first and foremost a professional, and I could hire an attractive woman without worrying it would become a problem.

Pulling up the video footage from the parking lot, I searched and found the feed showing Addy’s blue Civic pulling into the lot earlier.

Was Gun’s N’ Roses blasting from her speakers? I turned up the volume only to turn it down again once I heard her caterwauling to the tune. Good grief. Even her singing was a hot mess.

Swallowing hard at the vision she made getting out of her car with her sexy curves, I wondered what prompted her move to Vegas. Was it the ultimate “fuck you” to her parents who hadn’t been proud of her for becoming a nurse? I cursed at the thought. It made me grateful for my mom and dad. Although shocked, they’d been supportive of my joining the Army and forging my own path.

I stared at the screen until I saw Addy roll her left ankle and go down hard. Damn, that had to have hurt. But she’d dusted herself off and limped into the building. Switching to another camera, I was able to view her come through the front door and inspect her injuries before I entered the picture.

Turning it off, I sat back in my chair and waited. Waited for my brother to come in.

He walked in a short time later, a smile on his face. One seemed permanently attached there these days. Not that he hadn’t always been a generally happy guy, but since meeting his girlfriend, Kelsey, it was another level. His joy would be annoying, but I happened to like her too much to begrudge them their coupledom.

“Let me guess. You hired her?”

“She’s getting her badge as we speak.”