Page 84 of Miss Hap

“What if we go to San Diego the weekend after I get back from Europe? That way we can tell my whole family in person.” This plan would also give me a chance to get her a wedding ring before we did so. Maybe surprise her with it when I returned from my trip. “Should we tell them about the baby too?”

She hesitated. “I’d rather wait until the second trimester, to be sure. Unless you want to make it clear the baby is why we got married?”

“Why would I want that?”

“Because it is why we got married.”

“I told you we’re in this for the long run. Plus, it’s nobody’s business why we got married.” Why was it so complicated to figure out what and when to tell others, when everything felt so right when it was just the two of us?


Son of a bitch. I’d once again said the wrong thing. I killed the ignition and turned toward her. Taking her hand, I kissed it. “We’ll figure it out. I’m sure my mom will want to throw a party to celebrate our wedding. Would you be okay with that?”

She smiled. “Yeah, a party would be really nice.”

“Good.” I wanted her to know how proud I was to have her as my wife regardless of the circumstances. After my trip we’d tell our families we were married, and maybe we’d save the baby news for Christmas. I could already picture my parents’ delighted reaction.



Leo had flown out to Germany five days ago on Sunday. He’d been attentive, sweet, and reluctant to leave me. He’d also not-so-subtly asked my ring size, making me giddy with excitement he might be picking one out for me.

No, this wasn’t a conventional marriage, but I was in fact happy. And in love. Although Leo hadn’t said the words, his every gesture made it obvious how much he cared about me.

I sat in my new cubicle, now that the receptionist had taken the front desk, on a Friday morning trying to concentrate on work, but all I could think about was Leo coming home tomorrow morning. I’d missed him so much over the last five days.

“Good morning, Addy,” Dominic greeted, knocking on the cubicle opening. He’d driven in this week so someone senior would be on hand during Leo’s absence. “You have a few minutes?”


I followed him down the short hallway into his office and took a seat in the visitor’s chair, one that was now actually comfortable. One of my favorite accomplishments so far was getting better furniture for the office. There wasn’t one person here who wasn’t grateful for the new chairs. Even Leo had appreciated the matching décor in his renovated conference room.

“How is Emily working out?” He was referring to the new receptionist who’d started Monday.

“Good so far. She’s a quick study and has gone from fielding calls to handling all the website inquiries and scheduling the initial consultations. I’ll show her how to order supplies and start tracking assets next week.” The accounting manager was thrilled at the idea of tracking our equipment in a database.

“Great news. Any chance I can talk you into coming to San Diego to conduct an interview with a candidate for office manager there? Thought perhaps this new person could report to you. In other words, you’d be the new Director of Administration over both offices.”

My eyes got big. “A promotion?”

“A well-deserved one. Frankly, we want the San Diego office to operate like you’ve managed this one, so who better to oversee the necessary changes?”

“Does, um, Leo know?”

He chuckled. “He approved it but said taking the job was up to you. I think he wants to ensure you don’t see it as favoritism. Which I can assure you it isn’t. You’ve done a hell of a job, Addison, and I’ve come to rely on you for more and more. Hell, I consider you my peer. So making you a director in title is something I’m privileged to do if you’ll accept the position.”

How could I possibly say no? I wasn’t sure how I’d make it all work, what with having a baby and maternity leave, but women did this all over the world. I’d find a way too. “I’m so honored. Of course I accept. Thank you.”

He grinned. “Terrific. Leo said you guys were heading to San Diego this weekend, so maybe you can stay out there for the week following your trip and tour the office to meet the few people we have working there.”

“That sounds amazing.” I could hardly wait to see the other office and get started on improving it too.

“Great. And maybe you guys can have dinner with me and Kelsey one night? It’ll be fun having you both there.”

“Sounds amazing.” By then we would have told everyone we were married.

“Leo doing okay in Germany?”