Page 105 of Miss Hap

“I was wrong, Addison. So very wrong about the divorce. And I refuse to let stubbornness be the reason I lose you.”

“You lost me when you shut me out.”

He stood dead still, not responding. He wasn’t ready to talk about it, and I was feeling worse by the minute.

“Fine. Let’s de-escalate,” I decided. “Can I take a shower? Borrow a toothbrush?” Maybe once I felt more human, I could process things better.

He let out a breath. “Yes to both.” He put an arm around my waist and helped me limp to the bathroom. His touch reduced my irritation with him for essentially kidnapping me.

After Leo got me to the well-appointed bathroom, he placed a new toothbrush and paste on the sink, set out a towel and a clean T-shirt, and left me alone.

Once I got a glimpse in the mirror, I gasped in horror. Jesus, I looked worse than I felt. Raccoon mascara eyes, hair askew, and sickly white skin.

Twenty minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom feeling marginally better. With the edge off my headache, I was a semi-functioning person again.

Leo was in the kitchen. “I made toast if you want it. Might make your stomach feel better.”

As if it thought he was talking directly to it, my tummy growled. “Yeah, bread might be good.”

I ate slowly at the small kitchen table, unnerved by the way Leo hovered. He seemed unfamiliar with what to do with his nervous energy.

To counter the anxiousness hanging over me like a cloud, I concentrated on surveying the cabin, paying more attention to the details. It was only one room with a queen-sized bed against the far corner. A couch and large recliner sat in front of a fireplace. The kitchenette was dated, but looked to be in decent shape, with a gas stove, refrigerator, and large farmhouse sink.

“When did you buy this place?”

“A couple months ago.”

Nothing like finding out your husband had bought an off-grid cabin without telling you to make you feel good about the relationship. “Was this part of your escape plan?”

He heaved a sigh. “No. It was meant to be a surprise for you. I wanted to do some renovations before you saw it. You said your dream vacation was a cabin in the snowy woods, so I thought…well, I thought I’d give that to you.”

The toast suddenly tasted like sawdust in my mouth. He’d done this for me? Tears sprang up, but I tilted my head down so he wouldn’t see them.

“But it was in fact where I escaped when I couldn’t trust myself to stay away from you. Figured if I could get away from the Internet, I could stop stalking you.”

“When the cameras stopped operating, I knew you were done.”

“I wish I could take it all back.”

More memories floated back from last night. I’d told him how much he’d hurt me.

I stood up slowly, intent now on finding some clothes and leaving. “I know you feel bad, and last night didn’t exactly give the impression I have my shit together, but I’m getting there. I’m moving on.” I had a plan. One that I refused to have derailed just because Leo was feeling guilty. “You need to have the divorce papers drawn back up, and I need to move out of Vegas.”

“I love you.”

“I’ll work the two weeks at the office and then head back to California. Brooke offered her old place for me to stay in for awhile. She and Lucas will help me move my stuff. Oh, and Craig and Malorie, although let’s be honest, my cousin isn’t going to do a whole lot except boss people around because she’ll be afraid to break a nail, but that’s fine, she can be my moving cheerleader.”

“Addison, look at me.”

“No.” Tears were already streaming uncontrollably down my face. I was in serious risk of a breakdown if I made eye contact.

Not allowing me a choice, he stepped in front of me, put his fingers under my chin, and lifted my face until my gaze was trapped by his.

“Did you hear me? I said I love you.”

The wobble in my chin was seriously pissing me off. “If you loved me, then why did you leave? Why did you serve me those damn divorce papers?”

“Because I’d convinced myself you deserved better than me.”